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Sulpirol 50

- Hypersenzitivita na léčivou látku nebo na kteroukoli pomocnou látku uvedenou v bodě 6.1.
- Akutní intoxikace alkoholem, hypnotiky, opioidními analgetiky nebo psychotropními látkami.
- Manická psychóza.
- Organické mozkové poruchy, spojené s agitovaností (při organickém psychosyndromu), zejména u
starších pacientů.
- Hyperprolaktinemie.
- Feochromocytom.
- Souběžné prolaktin-dependentní nádory, např. hypofyzární prolaktinom a karcinom prsu.
- Kombinace s levodopou (viz bod 4.5).

Sulpirol 50

Selection of products in our offer from our pharmacy
In stock | Shipping from 79 CZK
435 CZK
In stock | Shipping from 79 CZK
15 CZK
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309 CZK
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39 CZK
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99 CZK
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145 CZK
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85 CZK
In stock | Shipping from 79 CZK
305 CZK
In stock | Shipping from 79 CZK
305 CZK
In stock | Shipping from 79 CZK
375 CZK
In stock | Shipping from 79 CZK
499 CZK
In stock | Shipping from 79 CZK
275 CZK

About project

A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives


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