leaflet, side effects, interactions, dosing

Generic: valsartan and diuretics
Active substance: VALSARTAN
Alternatives: Blessin plus h 160/12,5 mg, Blessin plus h 160/25 mg, Blessin plus h 80/12,5 mg, Janartan, Kylotan plus h 160/12,5 mg, Kylotan plus h 80/12,5 mg, Valsartan/hydrochlorothiazid aurovitas, Valsartan/hydrochlorothiazid krka, Valzap combi, Vanatex hct
ATC group: C09DA03 - valsartan and diuretics
Active substance content: 160MG/12,5MG, 160MG/25MG, 320MG/12,5MG, 320MG/25MG, 80MG/12,5MG
Forms: Film-coated tablet
Balení: Blister
Obsah balení: 280X1
Způsob podání: prodej na lékařský předpis

Co je Valsacombi a k čemu se užívá

Přípravek Valsacombi potahované tablety obsahuje dvě léčivé látky zvané valsartan a
hydrochlorothiazid. Obě tyto látky pomáhají upravit vysoký krevní tlak (hypertenzi).
- Valsartan patří do skupiny léků známých jako „antagonisté receptoru pro angiotensin II“, které
pomáhají upravit vysoký krevní tlak. Angiotensin II je látka v lidském těle, která způsobuje
zúžení cév, což vede ke zvýšení Vašeho krevního tlaku. Valsartan působí tím, že blokuje účinek
angiotensinu II. Následkem toho je uvolnění krevních cév a snížení krevního tlaku.
- Hydrochlorothiazid patří do skupiny léků zvaných thiazidová diuretika (známé též jako
„tablety na odvodnění“). Hydrochlorothiazid zvyšuje výdej moči, což rovněž snižuje krevní

Přípravek Valsacombi se používá k léčbě vysokého krevního tlaku, který není dostatečně upraven, při
použití jedné léčivé látky samostatně.

Vysoký krevní tlak zvyšuje zátěž na srdce a tepny. Pokud se neléčí, může poškozovat cévy v mozku,
srdci a ledvinách a způsobit mrtvici, srdeční selhání nebo selhání ledvin. Vysoký krevní tlak zvyšuje
riziko infarktu myokardu. Snížení Vašeho krevního tlaku na normální hodnoty snižuje riziko rozvoje
těchto onemocnění.

Valsacombi & Magne

Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medicines  ..more

Valsacombi & Godasal & Tanyz & Cynt..

  Valsacombi & Godasal 100  The metabolism of Acetylsalicylic acid can be decreased when combined with Valsartan.   Valsacombi & Tanyz  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be ..more

Valsacombi & Godasal & Tanyz

  Valsacombi & Godasal 100  The metabolism of Acetylsalicylic acid can be decreased when combined with Valsartan.   Valsacombi & Tanyz  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be ..more

Valsacombi & Magne

Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medicines  ..more

Valsacombi & Godasal & Tanyz & Cynt..

  Valsacombi & Godasal 100  The metabolism of Acetylsalicylic acid can be decreased when combined with Valsartan.   Valsacombi & Tanyz  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be ..more

Valsacombi & Magne

Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medicines  ..more

Valsacombi & Godasal & Tanyz & Cynt..

  Valsacombi & Godasal 100  The metabolism of Acetylsalicylic acid can be decreased when combined with Valsartan.   Valsacombi & Tanyz  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be ..more

Valsacombi & Godasal & Tanyz & Cynt..

  Valsacombi & Godasal 100  The metabolism of Acetylsalicylic acid can be decreased when combined with Valsartan.   Valsacombi & Tanyz  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be ..more

Valsacombi & Magne &

  Valsacombi &   The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Valsartan is combined with Ramipril.   Magne b6 &   The serum concentration of Dolutegravir can be decre ..more

Valsacombi & Magne

Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medicines  ..more

Valsacombi & Magne

Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medicines  ..more

Valsacombi & Magne

Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medicines  ..more

Valsacombi & Magne

Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medicines  ..more

Valsacombi & Magne

Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medicines  ..more

Valsacombi & Godasal & Tanyz

  Valsacombi & Godasal 100  The metabolism of Acetylsalicylic acid can be decreased when combined with Valsartan.   Valsacombi & Tanyz  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be ..more

Valsacombi & Magne

Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medicines  ..more

Valsacombi & Magne

Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medicines  ..more

Valsacombi & Magne

Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medicines  ..more

Valsacombi & Godasal & Tanyz

  Side effects Valsacombi a Godasal 100   Side effects Valsacombi a Tanyz   Side effects Godasal 100 a Tanyz  ..more

Valsacombi & Magne

  Side effects Valsacombi a Magne b6  ..more

Valsacombi & Godasal & Tanyz & Cynt..

  Side effects Valsacombi a Godasal 100   Side effects Valsacombi a Tanyz   Side effects Valsacombi a Cynt 0,3   Side effects Godasal 100 a Tanyz   Side effects Godasal 100 a Cyn ..more

Valsacombi & Magne

  Side effects Valsacombi a Magne b6  ..more

Valsacombi & Godasal & Tanyz & Cynt..

  Side effects Valsacombi a Godasal 100   Side effects Valsacombi a Tanyz   Side effects Valsacombi a Cynt 0,3   Side effects Valsacombi a    Side effects Godasal 100 a Tanyz  ..more

Valsacombi & Magne &

  Side effects Valsacombi a Magne b6   Side effects Valsacombi a    Side effects Magne b6 a   ..more

Valsacombi & Magne

  Side effects Valsacombi a Magne b6  ..more

Valsacombi & Magne

  Side effects Valsacombi a Magne b6  ..more

Valsacombi & Godasal & Tanyz & Cynt..

  Side effects Valsacombi a Godasal 100   Side effects Valsacombi a Tanyz   Side effects Valsacombi a Cynt 0,3   Side effects Godasal 100 a Tanyz   Side effects Godasal 100 a Cyn ..more

Valsacombi & Godasal & Tanyz &

  Side effects Valsacombi a Godasal 100   Side effects Valsacombi a Tanyz   Side effects Valsacombi a    Side effects Godasal 100 a Tanyz   Side effects Godasal 100 a    Sid ..more

Valsacombi & Godasal & Tanyz & Cynt..

  Side effects Valsacombi a Godasal 100   Side effects Valsacombi a Tanyz   Side effects Valsacombi a Cynt 0,3   Side effects Godasal 100 a Tanyz   Side effects Godasal 100 a Cyn ..more

Valsacombi & Magne &

  Side effects Valsacombi a Magne b6   Side effects Valsacombi a    Side effects Magne b6 a   ..more

Valsacombi & Magne

  Side effects Valsacombi a Magne b6  ..more

Valsacombi & Magne

  Side effects Valsacombi a Magne b6  ..more

Valsacombi & Magne

  Side effects Valsacombi a Magne b6  ..more

Valsacombi & Godasal & Tanyz & Cynt..

  Side effects Valsacombi a Godasal 100   Side effects Valsacombi a Tanyz   Side effects Valsacombi a Cynt 0,3   Side effects Godasal 100 a Tanyz   Side effects Godasal 100 a Cyn ..more

Valsacombi & Godasal & Tanyz

  Side effects Valsacombi a Godasal 100   Side effects Valsacombi a Tanyz   Side effects Godasal 100 a Tanyz  ..more

Valsacombi & Godasal & Tanyz

  Side effects Valsacombi a Godasal 100   Side effects Valsacombi a Tanyz   Side effects Godasal 100 a Tanyz  ..more

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A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives


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