2. Čemu musíte věnovat pozornost, než začnete přípravek Nakom užívat 3. Jak se přípravek Nakom užívá 4. Možné nežádoucí účinky 5. Jak přípravek Nakom uchovávat 6. Obsah balení a další informace
K čemu se používá přípravek Nakom Přípravek Nakom je určen k léčbě příznaků Parkinsonovy choroby.
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Food interactions and other recommendations Letrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decrea ..more
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Food interactions and other recommendations Letrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decrea ..more
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Food interactions and other recommendations Letrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decrea ..more
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Food interactions and other recommendations Letrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decrea ..more
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Food interactions and other recommendations Letrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decrea ..more
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Nakom & Levodopa may increase the central nervous system depressant ( C N S depressant) activities of ..more
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Food interactions and other recommendations Letrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decrea ..more
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Food interactions and other recommendations Letrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decrea ..more
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Food interactions and other recommendations Letrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decrea ..more
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Food interactions and other recommendations Letrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decrea ..more
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Food interactions and other recommendations Letrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decrea ..more
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Food interactions and other recommendations Letrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decrea ..more
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Food interactions and other recommendations Letrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decrea ..more
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Food interactions and other recommendations Letrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decrea ..more
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Food interactions and other recommendations Letrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decrea ..more
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Food interactions and other recommendations Letrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decrea ..more
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Food interactions and other recommendations Letrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decrea ..more
Nakom & Rolpryna Levodopa may increase the sedative activities of Ropinirole. Food interactions and other recommendations Letrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decrea ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Carzap a Rolpryna Dizziness, Headache, Hyperkalemia, Hypotension, Sid ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Nakom a Dobica Side effects Carzap a Rolpryna Dizziness, Headache, ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Nakom a Dobica Side effects Nakom a Aescin-teva Side effects N ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Nakom a Dobica Side effects Carzap a Rolpryna Dizziness, Headache, ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Nakom a Dobica Side effects Nakom a Aescin-teva Side effects C ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Nakom a Dobica Side effects Nakom a Side effects Carzap a Rol ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Nakom a Dobica Side effects Carzap a Rolpryna Dizziness, Headache, ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Carzap a Rolpryna Dizziness, Headache, Hyperkalemia, Hypotension, Sid ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Nakom a Dobica Side effects Nakom a Aescin-teva Side effects N ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Carzap a Rolpryna Dizziness, Headache, Hyperkalemia, Hypotension, Sid ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Carzap a Rolpryna Dizziness, Headache, Hyperkalemia, Hypotension, Sid ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Carzap a Rolpryna Dizziness, Headache, Hyperkalemia, Hypotension, Sid ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Nakom a Dobica Side effects Carzap a Rolpryna Dizziness, Headache, ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Nakom a Side effects Carzap a Rolpryna Dizziness, Headache, Hyper ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Carzap a Rolpryna Dizziness, Headache, Hyperkalemia, Hypotension, Sid ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Nakom a Dobica Side effects Carzap a Rolpryna Dizziness, Headache, ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Nakom a Dobica Side effects Carzap a Rolpryna Dizziness, Headache, ..more
Side effects Nakom a Carzap Side effects Nakom a Rolpryna Side effects Nakom a Letrox Side effects Nakom a Dobica Side effects Nakom a Aescin-teva Side effects C ..more
A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives