Tento léčivý přípravek obsahuje Ibuprofen. Ibuprofen patří do skupiny léků známých jako nesteroidní protizánětlivé léky (NSAID), které zmírňují bolest, zmenšují otoky a snižují teplotu, když máte horečku.
Přípravek Ibuprofendr.max se používá u dětí ve věku 3 měsíců a starších (s hmotností větší než 5 kg) ke krátkodobé léčbě příznaků: - mírné až středně silné bolesti, jako je bolest hlavy a zubů, - horečky, - horečnatého stavu s příznaky chřipky a nachlazení.
Food interactions and other recommendations Ibuprofen dr.max: Avoid alcohol Food delays the time to reach peak plasma concentrations by 30-60 minutes and reduces peak plasma concentrations by 30 ..more
Ibuprofen dr.max & The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Ketorolac is combined with Ibuprofen. Paralen 500 & The serum concentration of Simvastatin can ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Ibuprofen dr.max: Avoid alcohol Food delays the time to reach peak plasma concentrations by 30-60 minutes and reduces peak plasma concentrations by 30 ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Ibuprofen dr.max: Avoid alcohol Food delays the time to reach peak plasma concentrations by 30-60 minutes and reduces peak plasma concentrations by 30 ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Ibuprofen dr.max: Avoid alcohol Food delays the time to reach peak plasma concentrations by 30-60 minutes and reduces peak plasma concentrations by 30 ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Ibuprofen dr.max: Avoid alcohol Food delays the time to reach peak plasma concentrations by 30-60 minutes and reduces peak plasma concentrations by 30 ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Ibuprofen dr.max: Avoid alcohol Food delays the time to reach peak plasma concentrations by 30-60 minutes and reduces peak plasma concentrations by 30 ..more
Ibuprofen dr.max - Recently discovered side effects
A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives