leaflet, side effects, interactions, dosing

Generic: formoterol and beclometasone
Alternatives: Combair nexthaler, Vivaire
ATC group: R03AK08 - formoterol and beclometasone
Active substance content: 100MCG/6MCG/DÁV, 200MCG/6MCG/DÁV
Forms: Pressurised inhalation, solution
Balení: Pressurised container
Obsah balení: 2X120DÁV
Způsob podání: prodej na lékařský předpis

Co je Combair a k čemu se užívá

Přípravek Combair je roztok k inhalaci v tlakovém obalu, který obsahuje dvě léčivé látky, které jsou
vdechovány ústy a dostávají se přímo do plic.

Tyto dvě léčivé látky jsou:
Beklometason-dipropionát, který patří do skupiny léčiv, která se nazývají kortikosteroidy.
Kortikosteroidy mají protizánětlivé účinky, snižují otoky a podráždění v plicích.

Dihydrát formoterol-fumarátu patří do skupiny léčiv nazývaných inhalační beta2-mimetika
s dlouhodobým účinkem. Uvolňují hladké svaly v dýchacích cestách a usnadňují dýchání.

Tyto dvě léčivé látky společně usnadňují dýchání. Pomáhají zabránit rozvoji příznaků astmatu, jako
je dušnost, sípání a kašel

Combair se používá k léčbě astmatu u dospělých pacientů
Pokud Vám byl předepsán Combair, je pravděpodobné, že:
 vaše astma není dostatečně kontrolováno inhalačními kortikosteroidy a bronchodilatancii
s krátkodobým účinkem podle potřeby
 vaše astma dobře reaguje na léčbu jak kortisteroidy, tak dlouhodobě působícími

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Lorista 50 & Singulair  The metabolism of Montelukast can be decreased when combined with Losartan.  Food interactions and other recommendations Combair: No food effects were found ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Lorista 50 & Singulair  The metabolism of Montelukast can be decreased when combined with Losartan.  Food interactions and other recommendations Combair: No food effects were found ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Lorista 50 & Singulair  The metabolism of Montelukast can be decreased when combined with Losartan.  Food interactions and other recommendations Combair: No food effects were found ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Lorista 50 & Singulair  The metabolism of Montelukast can be decreased when combined with Losartan.  Food interactions and other recommendations Combair: No food effects were found ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Lorista 50 & Singulair  The metabolism of Montelukast can be decreased when combined with Losartan.  Food interactions and other recommendations Combair: No food effects were found ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Lorista 50 & Singulair  The metabolism of Montelukast can be decreased when combined with Losartan.  Food interactions and other recommendations Combair: No food effects were found ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Lorista 50 & Singulair  The metabolism of Montelukast can be decreased when combined with Losartan.  Food interactions and other recommendations Combair: No food effects were found ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Lorista 50 & Singulair  The metabolism of Montelukast can be decreased when combined with Losartan.  Food interactions and other recommendations Combair: No food effects were found ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Lorista 50 & Singulair  The metabolism of Montelukast can be decreased when combined with Losartan.  Food interactions and other recommendations Combair: No food effects were found ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Lorista 50 & Singulair  The metabolism of Montelukast can be decreased when combined with Losartan.  Food interactions and other recommendations Combair: No food effects were found ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Lorista 50 & Singulair  The metabolism of Montelukast can be decreased when combined with Losartan.  Food interactions and other recommendations Combair: No food effects were found ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Side effects Combair a Lorista 50   Side effects Combair a Xyzal   Side effects Combair a Euthyrox   Side effects Combair a Ventolin inhaler n   Side effects Combair a Atrovent ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Side effects Combair a Lorista 50   Side effects Combair a Xyzal   Side effects Combair a Euthyrox   Side effects Combair a Ventolin inhaler n   Side effects Combair a Atrovent ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Side effects Combair a Lorista 50   Side effects Combair a Xyzal   Side effects Combair a Euthyrox   Side effects Combair a Ventolin inhaler n   Side effects Combair a Atrovent ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Side effects Combair a Lorista 50   Side effects Combair a Xyzal   Side effects Combair a Euthyrox   Side effects Combair a Ventolin inhaler n   Side effects Combair a Atrovent ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Side effects Combair a Lorista 50   Side effects Combair a Xyzal   Side effects Combair a Euthyrox   Side effects Combair a Ventolin inhaler n   Side effects Combair a Atrovent ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Side effects Combair a Lorista 50   Side effects Combair a Xyzal   Side effects Combair a Euthyrox   Side effects Combair a Ventolin inhaler n   Side effects Combair a Atrovent ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Side effects Combair a Lorista 50   Side effects Combair a Xyzal   Side effects Combair a Euthyrox   Side effects Combair a Ventolin inhaler n   Side effects Combair a Atrovent ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Side effects Combair a Lorista 50   Side effects Combair a Xyzal   Side effects Combair a Euthyrox   Side effects Combair a Ventolin inhaler n   Side effects Combair a Atrovent ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Side effects Combair a Lorista 50   Side effects Combair a Xyzal   Side effects Combair a Euthyrox   Side effects Combair a Ventolin inhaler n   Side effects Combair a Atrovent ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Side effects Combair a Lorista 50   Side effects Combair a Xyzal   Side effects Combair a Euthyrox   Side effects Combair a Ventolin inhaler n   Side effects Combair a Atrovent ..more

Combair & Lorista & Xyzal & Euthyro..

  Side effects Combair a Lorista 50   Side effects Combair a Xyzal   Side effects Combair a Euthyrox   Side effects Combair a Ventolin inhaler n   Side effects Combair a Atrovent ..more

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A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives


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