Persen forte

Search results for persen forte

Drug combination: Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte

Food interactions and other recommendationsWarfarin pmcs: Avoid alcohol. Avoid drastic changes in dietary habit. Avoid St. John\'s Wort. Consult your doctor before ingesting large amounts of dietary Vitamin K (e. from green leafy vegetables). Limit garlic, ginger, gingko, and horse chestnut. Relpax: Exposure to the product (area below curve) ........

Tags: Drug combination Warfarin, Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte, persen forte

Drug combination: Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte &

Warfarin pmcs & .The serum concentration of Amodiaquine can be increased when it is combined with Warfarin. Dexoket & .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Salicylic acid is combined with Dexketoprofen. Relpax & .The serum concentration of Rilpivirine can be decreased when it is combined with Eletriptan. Food ........

Tags: Drug combination Warfarin, Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte &, persen forte

Side effects: Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte

Side effects Warfarin pmcs a Persen forte . Side effects Dexoket a Persen forte . Side effects Relpax a Persen forte . Warfarin pmcs & .The serum concentration of Amodiaquine ........

Tags: Side effects Warfarin, Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte, persen forte

Drug combination: Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte

Food interactions and other recommendationsWarfarin pmcs: Avoid alcohol. Avoid drastic changes in dietary habit. Avoid St. John\'s Wort. Consult your doctor before ingesting large amounts of dietary Vitamin K (e. from green leafy vegetables). Limit garlic, ginger, gingko, and horse chestnut. Relpax: Exposure to the product (area below curve) ........

Tags: Drug combination Warfarin, Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte, persen forte

Drug combination: Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte

Food interactions and other recommendationsWarfarin pmcs: Avoid alcohol. Avoid drastic changes in dietary habit. Avoid St. John\'s Wort. Consult your doctor before ingesting large amounts of dietary Vitamin K (e. from green leafy vegetables). Limit garlic, ginger, gingko, and horse chestnut. Relpax: Exposure to the product (area below curve) ........

Tags: Drug combination Warfarin, Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte, persen forte

Drug combination: Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte

Food interactions and other recommendationsWarfarin pmcs: Avoid alcohol. Avoid drastic changes in dietary habit. Avoid St. John\'s Wort. Consult your doctor before ingesting large amounts of dietary Vitamin K (e. from green leafy vegetables). Limit garlic, ginger, gingko, and horse chestnut. Relpax: Exposure to the product (area below curve) ........

Tags: Drug combination Warfarin, Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte, persen forte

Drug combination: Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte

Food interactions and other recommendationsWarfarin pmcs: Avoid alcohol. Avoid drastic changes in dietary habit. Avoid St. John\'s Wort. Consult your doctor before ingesting large amounts of dietary Vitamin K (e. from green leafy vegetables). Limit garlic, ginger, gingko, and horse chestnut. Relpax: Exposure to the product (area below curve) ........

Tags: Drug combination Warfarin, Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte, persen forte

Side effects: Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte

Side effects Warfarin pmcs a Persen forte . Side effects Dexoket a Persen forte . Side effects Relpax a Persen forte . Food interactions and other recommendationsWarfarin pmcs: ........

Tags: Side effects Warfarin, Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte, persen forte

Side effects: Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte

Side effects Warfarin pmcs a Persen forte . Side effects Dexoket a Persen forte . Side effects Relpax a Persen forte . Food interactions and other recommendationsWarfarin pmcs: ........

Tags: Side effects Warfarin, Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte, persen forte

Side effects: Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte

Side effects Warfarin pmcs a Persen forte . Side effects Dexoket a Persen forte . Side effects Relpax a Persen forte . Food interactions and other recommendationsWarfarin pmcs: ........

Tags: Side effects Warfarin, Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte, persen forte

Side effects: Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte

Side effects Warfarin pmcs a Persen forte . Side effects Dexoket a Persen forte . Side effects Relpax a Persen forte . Food interactions and other recommendationsWarfarin pmcs: ........

Tags: Side effects Warfarin, Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte, persen forte

Side effects: Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte

Side effects Warfarin pmcs a Persen forte . Side effects Dexoket a Persen forte . Side effects Relpax a Persen forte . Food interactions and other recommendationsWarfarin pmcs: ........

Tags: Side effects Warfarin, Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte, persen forte

Side effects: Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte &

Side effects Warfarin pmcs a Persen forte . Side effects Dexoket a Persen forte . Side effects Relpax a Persen forte . Side effects Persen
Tags: Side effects Warfarin, Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte &, persen forte

Drug combination: Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte

Food interactions and other recommendationsWarfarin pmcs: Avoid alcohol. Avoid drastic changes in dietary habit. Avoid St. John\'s Wort. Consult your doctor before ingesting large amounts of dietary Vitamin K (e. from green leafy vegetables). Limit garlic, ginger, gingko, and horse chestnut. Relpax: Exposure to the product (area below curve) ........

Tags: Drug combination Warfarin, Warfarin pmcs & Dexoket & Relpax & Persen forte, persen forte

Aspirin c forte

Neužívejte přípravek ASPIRIN C Forte šumivé tablety: pokud jste alergický( pokud jste prodělal(a) astma způsobené užitím kyseliny acetylsalicylové nebo příbuznými léky (obzvláště NSAID) pokud jste ve třetím trimestru těhotenství (pokud jste těhotná více než 24 týdnů) pokud máte žaludeční nebo střevní vřed pokud krvácíte nebo u vás existuje riziko krvácení (krvácivý stav) pokud máte výrazně sníženou funkci jater nebo ledvin pokud máte výrazně sníženou nekontrolovanou srdeční funkci pokud jste léčeni methotrexátem v dávkách 15 mg týdně nebo více pokud užíváte léky na ředění krve a k prevenci vzniku krevních sraženin (perorální antikoagulancia) a prodělal(a) jste nebo jste měl(a) v minulosti žaludeční nebo střevní vřed Upozornění a opatření Před užitím přípravku ASPIRIN C Forte šumivé tablety se poraďte se se svým lékařem nebo lékárníkem jestliže užíváte jiné léky obsahující kyselinu acetylsalicylovou, aby se předešlo riziku předávkování. Přestaňte okamžitě užívat přípravek ASPIRIN C Forte šumivé tablety a kontaktujte svého lékaře, pokud se objeví žaludeční či střevní krvácení nebo vředy. .....

Tags: Aspirin c forte, persen forte

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A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives


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