Drug combination: Prenewel & Cipralex & Nolpaza & Xados & Eliquis

Compared drugs
Prenewel (perindopril and diuretics)
Cipralex (escitalopram)
Nolpaza (pantoprazole)
Xados (bilastine)
Eliquis (apixaban)
Drug Interaction
Cipralex & Nolpaza
The metabolism of Escitalopram can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole.

Nolpaza & Eliquis
The metabolism of Apixaban can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole.

Food interactions and other recommendations

Prenewel: Herbs that may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of perindopril include: bayberry, blue cohash, cayenne, ephedra, ginger, ginseng (American), kola and licorice. High salt intake may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of perindopril. Perindopril may decrease the excretion of potassium. Salt substitutes containing potassium may increase the risk of hyperkalemia. Take without regard to meals.
Cipralex: Take without regard to meals.
Nolpaza: Take without regard to meals.
Eliquis: Alfalfa, Anise, Bilberry may increase the adverse effects of apixaban. Grapefruit juice may increase apixaban serum concentration. St. John's wort will likely decrease apixaban serum concentration. Avoid combination if possible.
Combination of side effects
Combination of common side effects of all medicines
For some of the comparators, there is not enough information available, contact us by email and we will list the side effects additionally
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Eliquis & Cipralex

Food interactions and other recommendations Eliquis: Alfalfa, Anise, Bilberry may increase the adverse effects of apixaban. Grapefruit juice may increase apixaban serum concentration. St. John\' ..more

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  Prenewel & Pradaxa  The serum concentration of the active metabolites of Dabigatran etexilate can be increased when Dabigatran etexilate is used in combination with Perindopril.   Cip ..more

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Food interactions and other recommendations Eliquis: Alfalfa, Anise, Bilberry may increase the adverse effects of apixaban. Grapefruit juice may increase apixaban serum concentration. St. John\' ..more

Prenewel & Cipralex & Nolpaza & Pra..

  Prenewel & Pradaxa  The serum concentration of the active metabolites of Dabigatran etexilate can be increased when Dabigatran etexilate is used in combination with Perindopril.   Pre ..more

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  Prenewel & Pradaxa  The serum concentration of the active metabolites of Dabigatran etexilate can be increased when Dabigatran etexilate is used in combination with Perindopril.   Cip ..more

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  Prenewel & Pradaxa  The serum concentration of the active metabolites of Dabigatran etexilate can be increased when Dabigatran etexilate is used in combination with Perindopril.   Cip ..more

Prenewel & Cipralex & Nolpaza & Pra..

  Prenewel & Pradaxa  The serum concentration of the active metabolites of Dabigatran etexilate can be increased when Dabigatran etexilate is used in combination with Perindopril.   Cip ..more

Prenewel & Cipralex & Nolpaza & Pra..

  Prenewel & Pradaxa  The serum concentration of the active metabolites of Dabigatran etexilate can be increased when Dabigatran etexilate is used in combination with Perindopril.   Cip ..more

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  Prenewel & Neurol 0,5  The serum concentration of Alprazolam can be increased when it is combined with Perindopril.   Prenewel & Ibalgin 400  The risk or severity of adverse effects ..more

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  Cipralex & Nolpaza  The metabolism of Escitalopram can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole.   Nolpaza & Eliquis  The metabolism of Apixaban can be decreased when combined w ..more

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  Eliquis & Neurol 0,5  The serum concentration of Alprazolam can be increased when it is combined with Apixaban.   Neurol 0,5 & Cipralex  The risk or severity of adverse effects can ..more

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  Eliquis & Seropram  The metabolism of Apixaban can be decreased when combined with Citalopram.  Food interactions and other recommendations Eliquis: Alfalfa, Anise, Bilberry may in ..more

Prenewel & Neurol & Cipralex & Xado..

  Prenewel & Neurol 0,5  The serum concentration of Alprazolam can be increased when it is combined with Perindopril.   Prenewel & Ibalgin 400  The risk or severity of adverse effects ..more

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A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives


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