Drug combination: Paralen 500 & Neurol 0,5 &
Drug InteractionParalen 500 &
The serum concentration of Simvastatin can be increased when it is combined with Acetaminophen.
Neurol 0,5 &
The serum concentration of Simvastatin can be increased when it is combined with Alprazolam.
Food interactions and other recommendationsParalen 500: Avoid alcohol (may increase risk of hepatotoxicity). Take without regard to meals.
Neurol 0,5: Avoid alcohol. Avoid excessive quantities of coffee or tea (Caffeine). Avoid taking with grapefruit juice. Take with food.
Combination of side effects Combination of common side effects of all medicinesFor some of the comparators, there is not enough information available, contact us by email and we will list the side effects additionally
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