
Search results for acetát

Drug combination: Eliquis & Pentomer retard & Vasocardin 50 & Controloc & Acidum folicum léčiva & Imodium &

Eliquis & Pentomer retard .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Pentoxifylline is combined with Apixaban. Eliquis & Controloc .The metabolism of Apixaban can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Eliquis & .The serum concentration of Apixaban can be decreased when it is combined with Pentobarbital. Pentomer ........

Tags: Drug combination Eliquis, Eliquis & Pentomer retard & Vasocardin 50 & Controloc & Acidum folicum léčiva & Imodium &, acetát


Levomethadyl acetát, mesoridazin, thioridazin, primozid, sparfloxacin, gatifloxacin, moxifloxacin, dolasetron mesilát, meflochin, sertindol nebo cisaprid. Eliquis & Pentomer retard .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Pentoxifylline is combined with Apixaban. Eliquis & Controloc .The metabolism of Apixaban can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Eliquis & .The serum concentration of Apixaban can be decreased when it is combined with Pentobarbital. Pentomer retard & Vasocardin 50 .Pentoxifylline may increase the hypotensive activities of Metoprolol. Pentomer retard & .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Ketorolac is combined with Pentoxifylline. Vasocardin 50 & Controloc .The metabolism of Metoprolol can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Vasocardin 50 & Imodium .The metabolism of Loperamide can be decreased when combined with Metoprolol. Vasocardin 50 & .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Quinidine....

Tags: Zipsi, acetát

Ziprasidon mylan

Levomethadyl-acetát, mesoridazin, thioridazin, pimozid, sparfloxacin, gatifloxacin, moxifloxacin, dolasetron-mesylát, meflochin, sertindol nebo cisaprid. Eliquis & Pentomer retard .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Pentoxifylline is combined with Apixaban. Eliquis & Controloc .The metabolism of Apixaban can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Eliquis & .The serum concentration of Apixaban can be decreased when it is combined with Pentobarbital. Pentomer retard & Vasocardin 50 .Pentoxifylline may increase the hypotensive activities of Metoprolol. Pentomer retard & .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Ketorolac is combined with Pentoxifylline. Vasocardin 50 & Controloc .The metabolism of Metoprolol can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Vasocardin 50 & Imodium .The metabolism of Loperamide can be decreased when combined with Metoprolol. Vasocardin 50 & .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Quinidine....

Tags: Ziprasidon mylan, acetát


Levomethadyl-acetát, mesoridazin, thioridazin, pimozid, sparfloxacin, gatifloxacin, moxifloxacin, dolasteron-mesylát, meflochin, sertindol nebo cisaprid. Eliquis & Pentomer retard .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Pentoxifylline is combined with Apixaban. Eliquis & Controloc .The metabolism of Apixaban can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Eliquis & .The serum concentration of Apixaban can be decreased when it is combined with Pentobarbital. Pentomer retard & Vasocardin 50 .Pentoxifylline may increase the hypotensive activities of Metoprolol. Pentomer retard & .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Ketorolac is combined with Pentoxifylline. Vasocardin 50 & Controloc .The metabolism of Metoprolol can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Vasocardin 50 & Imodium .The metabolism of Loperamide can be decreased when combined with Metoprolol. Vasocardin 50 & .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Quinidine....

Tags: Zeldox, acetát


Cyproteron-acetát nebo na kteroukoli další složku tohoto přípravku ( Eliquis & Pentomer retard .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Pentoxifylline is combined with Apixaban. Eliquis & Controloc .The metabolism of Apixaban can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Eliquis & .The serum concentration of Apixaban can be decreased when it is combined with Pentobarbital. Pentomer retard & Vasocardin 50 .Pentoxifylline may increase the hypotensive activities of Metoprolol. Pentomer retard & .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Ketorolac is combined with Pentoxifylline. Vasocardin 50 & Controloc .The metabolism of Metoprolol can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Vasocardin 50 & Imodium .The metabolism of Loperamide can be decreased when combined with Metoprolol. Vasocardin 50 & .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Quinidine....

Tags: Vreya, acetát

Vitamin e 400-zentiva

Neužívejte přípravek Vitamin E-Zentiva: - jestliže jste alergický(á) na vitamin E (tokoferol-alfa-acetát) nebo na kteroukoli další složku tohoto přípravku ( Eliquis & Pentomer retard .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Pentoxifylline is combined with Apixaban. Eliquis & Controloc .The metabolism of Apixaban can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Eliquis & .The serum concentration of Apixaban can be decreased when it is combined with Pentobarbital. Pentomer retard & Vasocardin 50 .Pentoxifylline may increase the hypotensive activities of Metoprolol. Pentomer retard & .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Ketorolac is combined with Pentoxifylline. Vasocardin 50 & Controloc .The metabolism of Metoprolol can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Vasocardin 50 & Imodium .The metabolism of Loperamide can be decreased when combined with Metoprolol. Vasocardin 50 & .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Quinidine....

Tags: Vitamin e 400-zentiva, acetát

Vitamin e 200-zentiva

Neužívejte přípravek Vitamin E-Zentiva: - jestliže jste alergický(á) na vitamin E (tokoferol-alfa-acetát) nebo na kteroukoli další složku tohoto přípravku ( Eliquis & Pentomer retard .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Pentoxifylline is combined with Apixaban. Eliquis & Controloc .The metabolism of Apixaban can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Eliquis & .The serum concentration of Apixaban can be decreased when it is combined with Pentobarbital. Pentomer retard & Vasocardin 50 .Pentoxifylline may increase the hypotensive activities of Metoprolol. Pentomer retard & .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Ketorolac is combined with Pentoxifylline. Vasocardin 50 & Controloc .The metabolism of Metoprolol can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Vasocardin 50 & Imodium .The metabolism of Loperamide can be decreased when combined with Metoprolol. Vasocardin 50 & .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Quinidine....

Tags: Vitamin e 200-zentiva, acetát

Vitamin e 100-zentiva

Neužívejte přípravek Vitamin E-Zentiva: - jestliže jste alergický(á) na vitamin E (tokoferol-alfa-acetát) nebo na kteroukoli další složku tohoto přípravku ( Eliquis & Pentomer retard .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Pentoxifylline is combined with Apixaban. Eliquis & Controloc .The metabolism of Apixaban can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Eliquis & .The serum concentration of Apixaban can be decreased when it is combined with Pentobarbital. Pentomer retard & Vasocardin 50 .Pentoxifylline may increase the hypotensive activities of Metoprolol. Pentomer retard & .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Ketorolac is combined with Pentoxifylline. Vasocardin 50 & Controloc .The metabolism of Metoprolol can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Vasocardin 50 & Imodium .The metabolism of Loperamide can be decreased when combined with Metoprolol. Vasocardin 50 & .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Quinidine....

Tags: Vitamin e 100-zentiva, acetát

Vitamin a-slovakofarma

Neužívejte přípravek Vitamin A-SLOVAKOFARMA jestliže jste alergický(á) na retinol-acetát nebo na kteroukoli další složku tohoto přípravku ( Eliquis & Pentomer retard .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Pentoxifylline is combined with Apixaban. Eliquis & Controloc .The metabolism of Apixaban can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Eliquis & .The serum concentration of Apixaban can be decreased when it is combined with Pentobarbital. Pentomer retard & Vasocardin 50 .Pentoxifylline may increase the hypotensive activities of Metoprolol. Pentomer retard & .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Ketorolac is combined with Pentoxifylline. Vasocardin 50 & Controloc .The metabolism of Metoprolol can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Vasocardin 50 & Imodium .The metabolism of Loperamide can be decreased when combined with Metoprolol. Vasocardin 50 & .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Quinidine....

Tags: Vitamin a-slovakofarma, acetát


Norethisteron-acetát nebo na kteroukoliv další složku přípravku Trisequens ( Eliquis & Pentomer retard .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Pentoxifylline is combined with Apixaban. Eliquis & Controloc .The metabolism of Apixaban can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Eliquis & .The serum concentration of Apixaban can be decreased when it is combined with Pentobarbital. Pentomer retard & Vasocardin 50 .Pentoxifylline may increase the hypotensive activities of Metoprolol. Pentomer retard & .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Ketorolac is combined with Pentoxifylline. Vasocardin 50 & Controloc .The metabolism of Metoprolol can be decreased when combined with Pantoprazole. Vasocardin 50 & Imodium .The metabolism of Loperamide can be decreased when combined with Metoprolol. Vasocardin 50 & .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Quinidine....

Tags: Trisequens, acetát

Tramadol kalceks

Nepoužívejte Tramadol Kalceks v následujících případech:  jestliže jste alergický( na tramadol nebo na kteroukoli další složku tohoto přípravku ( uvedenou v bodě 6) při akutní otravě alkoholem, léky na spaní, léky proti bolesti, opioidy nebo jinými psychotropními léky ( léky, které ovlivňují náladu a emoce) jestliže současně užíváte nebo jste v posledních 14 dnech užíval( a) inhibitory monoaminooxidázy ( IMAO) (léky k léčbě deprese) viz bod Další léčivé přípravky a Tramadol Kalceks) jestliže máte epilepsii a léčba záchvatů není dostatečně účinná;  jako náhradu při léčbě drogové závislosti. Upozornění a opatření Před použitím přípravku Tramadol Kalceks se poraďte se svým lékařem:  jestliže se domníváte, že jste závislý( na jiných lécích proti bolesti ( opioidech);  jestliže jste přecitlivělý( na opiáty;  jestliže jste náchylný( ke ztrátě vědomí ( máte pocit na omdlení) jestliže jste v šoku ( jeho příznakem může být studený pot) jestliže trpíte zvýšeným nitrolebním tlakem ( možné v případě poranění hlavy nebo onemocnění mozku) jestliže máte potíže s dýcháním;  jestliže trpíte epilepsií nebo záchvaty, protože riziko vzniku záchvatů může být zvýšeno. Epileptické .....

Tags: Tramadol kalceks, acetát

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