leaflet, side effects, interactions, dosing

Generic: telmisartan
Active substance: TELMISARTAN
Alternatives: Kinzalmono, Micardis, Pritor, Telmark, Telmisartan actavis, Telmisartan egis, Telmisartan fair-med, Telmisartan sandoz, Telmisartan teva, Telmisartan teva pharma, Telmisartan xantis, Telmisartan-ratiopharm, Telmizek, Tolura
ATC group: C09CA07 - telmisartan
Active substance content: 40MG, 80MG
Forms: Tablet
Balení: Blister
Obsah balení: 56
Způsob podání: prodej na lékařský předpis

Co je Tezeo a k čemu se užívá

Přípravek Tezeo patří ke skupině léků, které jsou známy jako blokátory (antagonisté) receptoru
angiotenzinu II. Angiotenzin II je látka, která vzniká v těle. Jejím účinkem dochází ke zúžení cév,
čímž se zvyšuje krevní tlak. Přípravek Tezeo blokuje účinek angiotenzinu II, takže dochází k roztažení
cév a tím ke snížení krevního tlaku.

Přípravek Tezeo se užívá k léčbě esenciální hypertenze (vysoký krevní tlak) u dospělých.
"Esenciální" znamená, že vysoký krevní tlak není způsoben žádnými jinými okolnostmi.

Pokud není vysoký krevní tlak léčen, může poškozovat krevní cévy v řadě orgánů, což může někdy
vést k srdečnímu infarktu, k selhání srdce nebo ledvin, k cévní mozkové příhodě nebo ke slepotě. V
době před vznikem poškození nejsou obvykle zjevné žádné příznaky zvýšeného krevního tlaku. Proto
je velmi důležité pravidelným měřením ověřovat, zda jsou hodnoty krevního tlaku v normálním

Přípravek Tezeo se také používá u dospělých ke snížení výskytu srdečně-cévních příhod (např.
srdeční infarkt nebo cévní mozková příhoda), kterými jsou ohroženi pacienti s nedostatečným krevním
zásobením srdce nebo dolních končetin nebo pacienti, kteří prodělali cévní mozkovou příhodu nebo
vysoce rizikoví pacienti s cukrovkou. Lékař Vám sdělí, zda máte vysoké riziko těchto příhod.

Tezeo & Isicom & Ropinirol & Rosuca..

  Tezeo & Isicom 250 mg  Telmisartan may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Levodopa.   Tezeo & Ropinirol farmax  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increa ..more

Tezeo & Isicom & Ropinirol & Rosuca..

  Tezeo & Isicom 250 mg  Telmisartan may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Levodopa.   Tezeo & Ropinirol farmax  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increa ..more

Tezeo & Euthyrox &

  Tezeo &   The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Telmisartan is combined with Ramipril.   Euthyrox &   The serum concentration of Amodiaquine can be increased ..more

Tezeo & Euthyrox

Food interactions and other recommendations Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Consistent administration in relation to meals is recommended. ..more

Tezeo & Rosumop & Siofor & Sedacoro..

  Tezeo & Sedacoron  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Amiodarone is combined with Telmisartan.   Rosumop & Sedacoron  The metabolism of Rosuvastatin can b ..more

Tezeo & Agen & Detralex

  Tezeo & Agen 5  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Amlodipine is combined with Telmisartan.  Food interactions and other recommendations Agen 5: Avoid na ..more

Tezeo & Agen & Detralex &

  Tezeo & Agen 5  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Amlodipine is combined with Telmisartan.   Tezeo &   The risk or severity of adverse effects can be inc ..more

Tezeo & Euthyrox

Food interactions and other recommendations Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Consistent administration in relation to meals is recommended. ..more

Tezeo & Agen & Detralex

  Tezeo & Agen 5  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Amlodipine is combined with Telmisartan.  Food interactions and other recommendations Agen 5: Avoid na ..more

Tezeo & Isicom & Ropinirol & Rosuca..

  Tezeo & Isicom 250 mg  Telmisartan may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Levodopa.   Tezeo & Ropinirol farmax  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increa ..more

Tezeo & Euthyrox

Food interactions and other recommendations Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Consistent administration in relation to meals is recommended. ..more

Tezeo & Isicom & Ropinirol & Rosuca..

  Tezeo & Isicom 250 mg  Telmisartan may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Levodopa.   Tezeo & Ropinirol farmax  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increa ..more

Tezeo & Rosumop & Siofor & Sedacoro..

  Tezeo & Sedacoron  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Amiodarone is combined with Telmisartan.   Rosumop & Sedacoron  The metabolism of Rosuvastatin can b ..more

Tezeo & Isicom & Ropinirol & Rosuca..

  Tezeo & Isicom 250 mg  Telmisartan may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Levodopa.   Tezeo & Ropinirol farmax  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increa ..more

Tezeo & Isicom & Ropinirol & Rosuca..

  Tezeo & Isicom 250 mg  Telmisartan may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Levodopa.   Tezeo & Ropinirol farmax  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increa ..more

Tezeo & Isicom & Ropinirol & Rosuca..

  Tezeo & Isicom 250 mg  Telmisartan may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Levodopa.   Tezeo & Ropinirol farmax  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increa ..more

Tezeo & Rosumop & Siofor & Sedacoro..

  Tezeo & Sedacoron  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Amiodarone is combined with Telmisartan.   Rosumop & Sedacoron  The metabolism of Rosuvastatin can b ..more

Tezeo & Isicom & Ropinirol & Rosuca..

  Tezeo & Isicom 250 mg  Telmisartan may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Levodopa.   Tezeo & Ropinirol farmax  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increa ..more

Tezeo & Euthyrox

  Side effects Tezeo a Euthyrox  ..more

Tezeo & Rosumop & Siofor & Sedacoro..

  Side effects Tezeo a Rosumop   Side effects Tezeo a Siofor 500  Abdominal Pain, Asthenia, , Constipation, Diarrhea, Dyspepsia, rash, Flatulence, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Headache, Nausea ..more

Tezeo & Isicom & Ropinirol & Rosuca..

  Side effects Tezeo a Isicom 250 mg   Side effects Tezeo a Ropinirol farmax  Abdominal Pain, Anemia, Anxiety, Arthralgia, Arthritis, Asthenia, Back pain, Bronchitis, Chest pain, Constipation ..more

Tezeo & Agen & Detralex

  Side effects Tezeo a Agen 5  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, Edema, Fatigue, Headache, Nausea, Palpitation, Somnolence,   Side effects Tezeo a Detralex   Side effects Agen 5 a Detralex  ..more

Tezeo & Agen & Detralex

  Side effects Tezeo a Agen 5  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, Edema, Fatigue, Headache, Nausea, Palpitation, Somnolence,   Side effects Tezeo a Detralex   Side effects Agen 5 a Detralex  ..more

Tezeo & Rosumop & Siofor & Sedacoro..

  Side effects Tezeo a Rosumop   Side effects Tezeo a Siofor 500  Abdominal Pain, Asthenia, , Constipation, Diarrhea, Dyspepsia, rash, Flatulence, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Headache, Nausea ..more

Tezeo & Agen & Detralex &

  Side effects Tezeo a Agen 5  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, Edema, Fatigue, Headache, Nausea, Palpitation, Somnolence,   Side effects Tezeo a Detralex   Side effects Tezeo a    Side effe ..more

Tezeo & Rosumop & Siofor & Sedacoro..

  Side effects Tezeo a Rosumop   Side effects Tezeo a Siofor 500  Abdominal Pain, Asthenia, , Constipation, Diarrhea, Dyspepsia, rash, Flatulence, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Headache, Nausea ..more

Tezeo & Euthyrox

  Side effects Tezeo a Euthyrox  ..more

Tezeo & Rosumop & Siofor & Sedacoro..

  Side effects Tezeo a Rosumop   Side effects Tezeo a Siofor 500  Abdominal Pain, Asthenia, , Constipation, Diarrhea, Dyspepsia, rash, Flatulence, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Headache, Nausea ..more

Tezeo & Isicom & Ropinirol & Rosuca..

  Side effects Tezeo a Isicom 250 mg   Side effects Tezeo a Ropinirol farmax  Abdominal Pain, Anemia, Anxiety, Arthralgia, Arthritis, Asthenia, Back pain, Bronchitis, Chest pain, Constipation ..more

Tezeo & Euthyrox

  Side effects Tezeo a Euthyrox  ..more

Tezeo & Euthyrox

  Side effects Tezeo a Euthyrox  ..more

Tezeo & Rosumop & Siofor & Sedacoro..

  Side effects Tezeo a Rosumop   Side effects Tezeo a Siofor 500  Abdominal Pain, Asthenia, , Constipation, Diarrhea, Dyspepsia, rash, Flatulence, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Headache, Nausea ..more

Tezeo & Isicom & Ropinirol & Rosuca..

  Side effects Tezeo a Isicom 250 mg   Side effects Tezeo a Ropinirol farmax  Abdominal Pain, Anemia, Anxiety, Arthralgia, Arthritis, Asthenia, Back pain, Bronchitis, Chest pain, Constipation ..more

Tezeo & Isicom & Ropinirol & Rosuca..

  Side effects Tezeo a Isicom 250 mg   Side effects Tezeo a Ropinirol farmax  Abdominal Pain, Anemia, Anxiety, Arthralgia, Arthritis, Asthenia, Back pain, Bronchitis, Chest pain, Constipation ..more

Tezeo & Isicom & Ropinirol & Rosuca..

  Side effects Tezeo a Isicom 250 mg   Side effects Tezeo a Ropinirol farmax  Abdominal Pain, Anemia, Anxiety, Arthralgia, Arthritis, Asthenia, Back pain, Bronchitis, Chest pain, Constipation ..more

Tezeo & Euthyrox

  Side effects Tezeo a Euthyrox  ..more

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A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives


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