Tamsulosin uvolňuje napětí ve svalstvu prostaty a močovém ústrojí. Uvolněním svalů Tamsulosin umožňuje snadnější průtok moče močovou trubicí a usnadňuje tak močení. Navíc přípravek snižuje pocit nucení na močení.
Tamsulosin+pharma 0,4 mg se předepisuje mužům k úlevě od příznaků týkajících se močení způsobených zbytněním prostaty (benigní hyperplazie prostaty). Tyto příznaky mohou zahrnovat obtížné močení (slabý proud), ukapávání moče, silné nutkání k močení a časté močení v noci i ve dne.
Food interactions and other recommendations Tamsulosin +pharma: Take 30 minutes after a meal (always after the same meal). Taking the drug with food minimizes plasma levels variations. God ..more
Tamsulosin +pharma & Sildenafil accord Sildenafil may increase the hypotensive activities of Tamsulosin. Brintellix & Sildenafil accord The metabolism of Vortioxetine can be dec ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Tamsulosin +pharma: Take 30 minutes after a meal (always after the same meal). Taking the drug with food minimizes plasma levels variations. God ..more
Tamsulosin +pharma & The serum concentration of Tamsulosin can be increased when it is combined with Fusidic Acid. Brintellix & The metabolism of Vortioxetine can be decreased ..more
Tamsulosin +pharma & Sildenafil accord Sildenafil may increase the hypotensive activities of Tamsulosin. Brintellix & Sildenafil accord The metabolism of Vortioxetine can be dec ..more
Tamsulosin +pharma & Sildenafil accord Sildenafil may increase the hypotensive activities of Tamsulosin. Brintellix & Sildenafil accord The metabolism of Vortioxetine can be dec ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Tamsulosin +pharma: Take 30 minutes after a meal (always after the same meal). Taking the drug with food minimizes plasma levels variations. God ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Tamsulosin +pharma: Take 30 minutes after a meal (always after the same meal). Taking the drug with food minimizes plasma levels variations. God ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Tamsulosin +pharma: Take 30 minutes after a meal (always after the same meal). Taking the drug with food minimizes plasma levels variations. God ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Tamsulosin +pharma: Take 30 minutes after a meal (always after the same meal). Taking the drug with food minimizes plasma levels variations. God ..more
Tamsulosin +pharma & Sildenafil accord Sildenafil may increase the hypotensive activities of Tamsulosin. Brintellix & Sildenafil accord The metabolism of Vortioxetine can be dec ..more
Tamsulosin +pharma & Sildenafil accord Sildenafil may increase the hypotensive activities of Tamsulosin. Brintellix & Sildenafil accord The metabolism of Vortioxetine can be dec ..more
Tamsulosin +pharma & Sildenafil accord Sildenafil may increase the hypotensive activities of Tamsulosin. Tamsulosin +pharma & The serum concentration of Tamsulosin can be incre ..more
Tamsulosin +pharma & Sildenafil accord Sildenafil may increase the hypotensive activities of Tamsulosin. Brintellix & Sildenafil accord The metabolism of Vortioxetine can be dec ..more
Tamsulosin +pharma - Recently discovered side effects
Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Brintellix Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Godasal 100 Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Sildenafil accord Back pain, Chest pain, Diarrhea, Diz ..more
Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Brintellix Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Godasal 100 Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Sildenafil accord Back pain, Chest pain, Diarrhea, Diz ..more
Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Brintellix Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Godasal 100 Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Sildenafil accord Back pain, Chest pain, Diarrhea, Diz ..more
Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Brintellix Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Godasal 100 Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Side effects Brintellix a Godasal 100 Side ..more
Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Brintellix Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Godasal 100 Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Sildenafil accord Back pain, Chest pain, Diarrhea, Diz ..more
Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Brintellix Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Godasal 100 Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Sildenafil accord Back pain, Chest pain, Diarrhea, Diz ..more
Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Brintellix Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Godasal 100 Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Sildenafil accord Back pain, Chest pain, Diarrhea, Diz ..more
Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Brintellix Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Godasal 100 Side effects Tamsulosin +pharma a Sildenafil accord Back pain, Chest pain, Diarrhea, Diz ..more
A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives