Přípravek Stilnox patří mezi tzv. hypnotika, tedy léky navozující spánek. Léčivou látkou obsaženou v přípravku Stilnox je zolpidem. Zolpidem zkracuje dobu nástupu spánku, snižuje počet probuzení, prodlužuje celkovou dobu spánku a zlepšuje jeho kvalitu obnovením fyziologické stavby spánku. Zolpidem užívají dospělí pacienti starší 18 let trpící nespavostí, která je vysiluje nebo vede k jejich těžkému rozrušení. Je určen ke krátkodobému podávání, doba léčby nemá překročit 4 týdny.
Food interactions and other recommendations Stilnox: Avoid alcohol. Should not be administered with or immediately after a meal. Zolpidem-ratiopharm: Avoid alcohol. Should not be admin ..more
Stilnox & The serum concentration of Zolpidem can be increased when it is combined with Fusidic Acid. Zolpidem-ratiopharm & The serum concentration of Zolpidem can be increase ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Stilnox: Avoid alcohol. Should not be administered with or immediately after a meal. Zolpidem-ratiopharm: Avoid alcohol. Should not be admin ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Stilnox: Avoid alcohol. Should not be administered with or immediately after a meal. Zolpidem-ratiopharm: Avoid alcohol. Should not be admin ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Stilnox: Avoid alcohol. Should not be administered with or immediately after a meal. Zolpidem-ratiopharm: Avoid alcohol. Should not be admin ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Stilnox: Avoid alcohol. Should not be administered with or immediately after a meal. Zolpidem-ratiopharm: Avoid alcohol. Should not be admin ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Stilnox: Avoid alcohol. Should not be administered with or immediately after a meal. Zolpidem-ratiopharm: Avoid alcohol. Should not be admin ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Stilnox: Avoid alcohol. Should not be administered with or immediately after a meal. Zolpidem-ratiopharm: Avoid alcohol. Should not be admin ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Stilnox: Avoid alcohol. Should not be administered with or immediately after a meal. Zolpidem-ratiopharm: Avoid alcohol. Should not be admin ..more
Stilnox & The serum concentration of Zolpidem can be increased when it is combined with Fusidic Acid. Zolpidem-ratiopharm & The serum concentration of Zolpidem can be increase ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Stilnox: Avoid alcohol. Should not be administered with or immediately after a meal. Zolpidem-ratiopharm: Avoid alcohol. Should not be admin ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Stilnox: Avoid alcohol. Should not be administered with or immediately after a meal. Zolpidem-ratiopharm: Avoid alcohol. Should not be admin ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Stilnox: Avoid alcohol. Should not be administered with or immediately after a meal. Zolpidem-ratiopharm: Avoid alcohol. Should not be admin ..more
Stilnox & The serum concentration of Zolpidem can be increased when it is combined with Fusidic Acid. Zolpidem-ratiopharm & The serum concentration of Zolpidem can be increase ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Stilnox: Avoid alcohol. Should not be administered with or immediately after a meal. Zolpidem-ratiopharm: Avoid alcohol. Should not be admin ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Stilnox: Avoid alcohol. Should not be administered with or immediately after a meal. Zolpidem-ratiopharm: Avoid alcohol. Should not be admin ..more
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