
Search results for Olwexya

Side effects: Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya

Side effects Betaloc sr a Prestance . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Letrox . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Stacyl . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Olwexya .Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, mental depression, Diarrhea, Dizziness, dyspnea, Edema, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, Hypertension, Hypotension, ........

Tags: Side effects Betaloc, Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya, Olwexya

Drug combination: Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya

Betaloc sr & Prestance .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Amlodipine. Betaloc sr & Stacyl .Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Betaloc sr & Olwexya .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined ........

Tags: Drug combination Betaloc, Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya, Olwexya

Drug combination: Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya

Betaloc sr & Prestance .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Amlodipine. Betaloc sr & Stacyl .Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Betaloc sr & Olwexya .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined ........

Tags: Drug combination Betaloc, Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya, Olwexya

Side effects: Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya

Side effects Betaloc sr a Prestance . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Letrox . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Stacyl . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Olwexya .Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, mental depression, Diarrhea, Dizziness, dyspnea, Edema, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, Hypertension, Hypotension, ........

Tags: Side effects Betaloc, Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya, Olwexya

Drug combination: Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya

Betaloc sr & Prestance .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Amlodipine. Betaloc sr & Stacyl .Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Betaloc sr & Olwexya .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined ........

Tags: Drug combination Betaloc, Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya, Olwexya

Drug combination: Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya

Betaloc sr & Prestance .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Amlodipine. Betaloc sr & Stacyl .Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Betaloc sr & Olwexya .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined ........

Tags: Drug combination Betaloc, Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya, Olwexya

Side effects: Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya

Side effects Betaloc sr a Prestance . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Letrox . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Stacyl . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Olwexya .Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, mental depression, Diarrhea, Dizziness, dyspnea, Edema, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, Hypertension, Hypotension, ........

Tags: Side effects Betaloc, Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya, Olwexya

Side effects: Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya

Side effects Betaloc sr a Prestance . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Letrox . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Stacyl . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Olwexya .Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, mental depression, Diarrhea, Dizziness, dyspnea, Edema, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, Hypertension, Hypotension, ........

Tags: Side effects Betaloc, Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya, Olwexya

Drug combination: Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya

Betaloc sr & Prestance .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Amlodipine. Betaloc sr & Stacyl .Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Betaloc sr & Olwexya .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined ........

Tags: Drug combination Betaloc, Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya, Olwexya

Drug combination: Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya &

Betaloc sr & Prestance .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Amlodipine. Betaloc sr & Stacyl .Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Betaloc sr & Olwexya .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined ........

Tags: Drug combination Betaloc, Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya &, Olwexya

Side effects: Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya

Side effects Betaloc sr a Prestance . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Letrox . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Stacyl . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Olwexya .Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, mental depression, Diarrhea, Dizziness, dyspnea, Edema, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, Hypertension, Hypotension, ........

Tags: Side effects Betaloc, Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya, Olwexya

Side effects: Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya

Side effects Betaloc sr a Prestance . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Letrox . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Stacyl . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Olwexya .Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, mental depression, Diarrhea, Dizziness, dyspnea, Edema, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, Hypertension, Hypotension, ........

Tags: Side effects Betaloc, Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya, Olwexya

Side effects: Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya &

Side effects Olwexya a . Side effects Betaloc sr a Prestance . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Letrox . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Stacyl . . Side effects Betaloc sr a Olwexya .Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, mental depression, Diarrhea, Dizziness, dyspnea, Edema, rash, Fatigue, ........

Tags: Side effects Betaloc, Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya &, Olwexya

Drug combination: Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya

Betaloc sr & Prestance .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Amlodipine. Betaloc sr & Stacyl .Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Betaloc sr & Olwexya .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined ........

Tags: Drug combination Betaloc, Betaloc sr & Prestance & Letrox & Stacyl & Olwexya, Olwexya


Neužívejte přípravek Olwexya- jestliže jste alergický( Užívání ireversibilních IMAO s přípravkem Olwexya může vyvolat závažné nebo dokonce život ohrožující nežádoucí účinky. Rovněž musíte vyčkat nejméně 7 dní po ukončení užívání přípravku Olwexya, než začnete užívat nějaký IMAO ( viz také bod s názvem „Další léčivé přípravky a přípravek Olwexya“ a informace v části „Serotoninový syndrom“) Upozornění a opatřeníPřed užitím přípravku Olwexya se poraďte se svým lékařem nebo lékárníkem: - Užíváte-li další léky, které při současném užívání s přípravkem Olwexya mohou zvýšit riziko rozvoje serotoninového syndromu ( Přípravek Olwexya může vyvolat během prvních týdnů léčby pocit neklidu nebo neschopnosti sedět nebo stát na místě. Diabetes Užívání přípravku Olwexya u Vás může pozměnit hladinu glukózy v krvi. Děti a dospívající Přípravek Olwexya by neměli běžně užívat děti a dospívající do 18 let. Lékař přesto může přípravek
Tags: Olwexya, Olwexya

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A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives


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