
Search results for Likarda

Side effects: Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox &

Side effects Likarda a Letrox . Side effects Likarda a .......

Tags: Side effects Ramipril, Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox &, Likarda

Side effects: Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox

Side effects Likarda a Letrox .......

Tags: Side effects Ramipril, Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox, Likarda

Side effects: Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox

Side effects Likarda a Letrox .......

Tags: Side effects Ramipril, Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox, Likarda

Side effects: Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox

Side effects Likarda a Letrox .......

Tags: Side effects Ramipril, Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox, Likarda

Side effects: Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox

Side effects Likarda a Letrox .......

Tags: Side effects Ramipril, Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox, Likarda

Side effects: Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox

Side effects Likarda a Letrox .......

Tags: Side effects Ramipril, Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox, Likarda

Drug combination: Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox

Food interactions and other recommendationsRamipril actavis: Alcohol may increase the vasodilatory effects of ramipril. Herbs that may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of ramipril include: bayberry, blue cohash, cayenne, ephedra, ginger, ginseng ( American), kola and licorice. High salt intake may attenuate the antihypertensive effect ........

Tags: Drug combination Ramipril, Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox, Likarda

Drug combination: Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox

Food interactions and other recommendationsRamipril actavis: Alcohol may increase the vasodilatory effects of ramipril. Herbs that may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of ramipril include: bayberry, blue cohash, cayenne, ephedra, ginger, ginseng ( American), kola and licorice. High salt intake may attenuate the antihypertensive effect ........

Tags: Drug combination Ramipril, Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox, Likarda

Drug combination: Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox &

Ramipril actavis & .The serum concentration of Simvastatin can be increased when it is combined with Ramipril. Likarda & .The serum concentration of the active metabolites of Artesunate can be reduced when Artesunate is used in combination with Letrozole resulting in a loss in efficacy. Letrox & .The serum ........

Tags: Drug combination Ramipril, Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox &, Likarda

Side effects: Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox

Side effects Likarda a Letrox . Ramipril actavis & .The serum concentration of Simvastatin can be increased when it is combined with Ramipril. Likarda & .The serum concentration of the active metabolites of Artesunate can be reduced when Artesunate is used in combination with Letrozole ........

Tags: Side effects Ramipril, Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox, Likarda

Drug combination: Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox

Food interactions and other recommendationsRamipril actavis: Alcohol may increase the vasodilatory effects of ramipril. Herbs that may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of ramipril include: bayberry, blue cohash, cayenne, ephedra, ginger, ginseng ( American), kola and licorice. High salt intake may attenuate the antihypertensive effect ........

Tags: Drug combination Ramipril, Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox, Likarda

Drug combination: Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox

Food interactions and other recommendationsRamipril actavis: Alcohol may increase the vasodilatory effects of ramipril. Herbs that may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of ramipril include: bayberry, blue cohash, cayenne, ephedra, ginger, ginseng ( American), kola and licorice. High salt intake may attenuate the antihypertensive effect ........

Tags: Drug combination Ramipril, Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox, Likarda

Drug combination: Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox

Food interactions and other recommendationsRamipril actavis: Alcohol may increase the vasodilatory effects of ramipril. Herbs that may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of ramipril include: bayberry, blue cohash, cayenne, ephedra, ginger, ginseng ( American), kola and licorice. High salt intake may attenuate the antihypertensive effect ........

Tags: Drug combination Ramipril, Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox, Likarda

Drug combination: Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox

Food interactions and other recommendationsRamipril actavis: Alcohol may increase the vasodilatory effects of ramipril. Herbs that may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of ramipril include: bayberry, blue cohash, cayenne, ephedra, ginger, ginseng ( American), kola and licorice. High salt intake may attenuate the antihypertensive effect ........

Tags: Drug combination Ramipril, Ramipril actavis & Likarda & Letrox, Likarda


Neužívejte přípravek Likarda 2,5 mg- jestliže jste alergická na letrozol nebo na kteroukoli další složku tohoto přípravku ( Upozornění a opatřeníPřed užitím přípravku Likarda 2,5 mg se poraďte se svým lékařem nebo lékárníkem - jestliže trpíte závažným onemocněním ledvin, - jestliže trpíte závažným onemocněním jater, - jestliže jste měla osteoporózu nebo zlomeniny kostí ( viz také „Sledování Vaší léčby přípravkem Likarda 2,5 mg“ v bodě 3) Váš lékař to vezme do úvahy při Vaší léčbě přípravkem Likarda 2,5 mg. Další léčivé přípravky a přípravek Likarda 2,5 mgInformujte svého lékaře nebo lékárníka o všech lécích, které užíváte, které jste v nedávné době užívala nebo které možná budete užívat. kojení a plodnost- Přípravek Likarda 2,5 mg smíte užívat, jen pokud u Vás proběhla menopauza. protože během léčby přípravkem Likarda 2,5 mg je potenciálně stále možné otěhotnět. Nesmíte užívat přípravek Likarda 2,5 mg, pokud jste těhotná nebo kojíte, protože by to mohlo poškodit Vaše dítě. .....

Tags: Likarda, Likarda

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A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives


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