
Search results for Kinedryl

Drug combination: Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl

Prenewel & Neurol 0,5 .The serum concentration of Alprazolam can be increased when it is combined with Perindopril. Argofan 150 sr & Neurol 0,5 .The metabolism of Alprazolam can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine. Food interactions and other recommendationsQuamatel: Avoid alcohol. Limit caffeine intake. Take without regard to meals, ........

Tags: Drug combination Quamatel, Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl, Kinedryl

Drug combination: Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl

Prenewel & Neurol 0,5 .The serum concentration of Alprazolam can be increased when it is combined with Perindopril. Argofan 150 sr & Neurol 0,5 .The metabolism of Alprazolam can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine. Food interactions and other recommendationsQuamatel: Avoid alcohol. Limit caffeine intake. Take without regard to meals, ........

Tags: Drug combination Quamatel, Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl, Kinedryl

Drug combination: Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl

Prenewel & Neurol 0,5 .The serum concentration of Alprazolam can be increased when it is combined with Perindopril. Argofan 150 sr & Neurol 0,5 .The metabolism of Alprazolam can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine. Food interactions and other recommendationsQuamatel: Avoid alcohol. Limit caffeine intake. Take without regard to meals, ........

Tags: Drug combination Quamatel, Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl, Kinedryl

Side effects: Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl

Side effects Quamatel a Prenewel . . Side effects Quamatel a Argofan 150 sr .Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, . Side effects Quamatel a Detralex . . Side effects Quamatel a Kinito . . Side effects Quamatel a Neurol 0,5 .Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Upper respiratory ........

Tags: Side effects Quamatel, Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl, Kinedryl

Drug combination: Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl

Prenewel & Neurol 0,5 .The serum concentration of Alprazolam can be increased when it is combined with Perindopril. Argofan 150 sr & Neurol 0,5 .The metabolism of Alprazolam can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine. Food interactions and other recommendationsQuamatel: Avoid alcohol. Limit caffeine intake. Take without regard to meals, ........

Tags: Drug combination Quamatel, Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl, Kinedryl

Side effects: Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl

Side effects Quamatel a Prenewel . . Side effects Quamatel a Argofan 150 sr .Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, . Side effects Quamatel a Detralex . . Side effects Quamatel a Kinito . . Side effects Quamatel a Neurol 0,5 .Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Upper respiratory ........

Tags: Side effects Quamatel, Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl, Kinedryl

Side effects: Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl

Side effects Quamatel a Prenewel . . Side effects Quamatel a Argofan 150 sr .Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, . Side effects Quamatel a Detralex . . Side effects Quamatel a Kinito . . Side effects Quamatel a Neurol 0,5 .Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Upper respiratory ........

Tags: Side effects Quamatel, Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl, Kinedryl

Side effects: Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl

Side effects Quamatel a Prenewel . . Side effects Quamatel a Argofan 150 sr .Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, . Side effects Quamatel a Detralex . . Side effects Quamatel a Kinito . . Side effects Quamatel a Neurol 0,5 .Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Upper respiratory ........

Tags: Side effects Quamatel, Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl, Kinedryl

Drug combination: Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl

Prenewel & Neurol 0,5 .The serum concentration of Alprazolam can be increased when it is combined with Perindopril. Argofan 150 sr & Neurol 0,5 .The metabolism of Alprazolam can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine. Food interactions and other recommendationsQuamatel: Avoid alcohol. Limit caffeine intake. Take without regard to meals, ........

Tags: Drug combination Quamatel, Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl, Kinedryl

Side effects: Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl

Side effects Quamatel a Prenewel . . Side effects Quamatel a Argofan 150 sr .Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, . Side effects Quamatel a Detralex . . Side effects Quamatel a Kinito . . Side effects Quamatel a Neurol 0,5 .Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Upper respiratory ........

Tags: Side effects Quamatel, Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl, Kinedryl

Drug combination: Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl

Prenewel & Neurol 0,5 .The serum concentration of Alprazolam can be increased when it is combined with Perindopril. Argofan 150 sr & Neurol 0,5 .The metabolism of Alprazolam can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine. Food interactions and other recommendationsQuamatel: Avoid alcohol. Limit caffeine intake. Take without regard to meals, ........

Tags: Drug combination Quamatel, Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl, Kinedryl

Side effects: Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl

Side effects Quamatel a Prenewel . . Side effects Quamatel a Argofan 150 sr .Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, . Side effects Quamatel a Detralex . . Side effects Quamatel a Kinito . . Side effects Quamatel a Neurol 0,5 .Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Upper respiratory ........

Tags: Side effects Quamatel, Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl, Kinedryl

Drug combination: Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl

Prenewel & Neurol 0,5 .The serum concentration of Alprazolam can be increased when it is combined with Perindopril. Argofan 150 sr & Neurol 0,5 .The metabolism of Alprazolam can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine. Food interactions and other recommendationsQuamatel: Avoid alcohol. Limit caffeine intake. Take without regard to meals, ........

Tags: Drug combination Quamatel, Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl, Kinedryl

Side effects: Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl

Side effects Quamatel a Prenewel . . Side effects Quamatel a Argofan 150 sr .Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, . Side effects Quamatel a Detralex . . Side effects Quamatel a Kinito . . Side effects Quamatel a Neurol 0,5 .Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Upper respiratory ........

Tags: Side effects Quamatel, Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan 150 sr & Detralex & Kinito & Neurol 0,5 & Kinedryl, Kinedryl


Neužívejte přípravek Kinedryl - jestliže jste alergický( Upozornění a opatření Před použitím přípravku Kinedryl se poraďte se svým lékařem: - jestliže máte závažné onemocnění srdce a krevního oběhu, - jestliže máte epilepsii, - jestliže máte žaludeční nebo dvanáctníkový vřed, - jestliže trpíte zvýšenou funkcí štítné žlázy, - jestliže trpíte poruchou jaterních funkcí, - pokud máte horečku, - jestliže máte závažný nedostatek kyslíku v těle, - jestliže máte chronické onemocnění plic. Ve všech těchto případech můžete přípravek Kinedryl používat pouze se souhlasem lékaře. Další léčivé přípravky a přípravek Kinedryl Informujte svého lékaře nebo lékárníka o všech lécích, které užíváte, které jste v nedávné době užíval( Některé jiné léky mohou ovlivnit účinek přípravku Kinedryl nebo přípravek Kinedryl může ovlivnit jejich účinek. Tlumivý účinek přípravku Kinedryl zvyšuje zejména alkohol, léky na spaní, na uklidnění, léky proti úzkostem a léčivé přípravky k léčbě psychických poruch. inek přípravku .....

Tags: Kinedryl, Kinedryl

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A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives


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