Přípravek Finex je inhibitor enzymu testosteron-5α-reduktázy v potahovaných tabletách k perorálnímu podání. Zabraňuje tak vzniku dihydrotestosteronu, na němž je závislý mj. i růst prostaty.
Používá se k léčbě tzv. benigní hyperplazie prostaty, tj. nenádorového zvětšení prostaty, s cílem vyvolat její zmenšení, zlepšit průtok moči, zabránit vzniku náhlé nemožnosti vyprázdnit měchýř a omezit počet případů, kdy bude nutný chirurgický výkon.
Finex & The serum concentration of Finasteride can be increased when it is combined with Fusidic Acid. Finpros & The serum concentration of Finasteride can be increased when i ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Finex: Take without regard to meals. Finpros: Take without regard to meals. Combination of common side effects of all medicines Asthen ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Finex: Take without regard to meals. Finpros: Take without regard to meals. Combination of common side effects of all medicines Asthen ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Finex: Take without regard to meals. Finpros: Take without regard to meals. Combination of common side effects of all medicines Asthen ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Finex: Take without regard to meals. Finpros: Take without regard to meals. Combination of common side effects of all medicines Asthen ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Finex: Take without regard to meals. Finpros: Take without regard to meals. Combination of common side effects of all medicines Asthen ..more
A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives