Přípravek Desloratadinmylan je protialergický lék, který nevyvolává ospalost. Pomáhá kontrolovat Vaši alergickou reakci a její příznaky.
Přípravek Desloratadinmylan se používá u dospělých a dospívajících ve věku 12 let a vyšším ke zmírnění příznaků souvisejících s alergickou rýmou (zánět nosních cest způsobený alergií, např. sennou rýmou nebo alergií na roztoče v prachu). Tyto příznaky zahrnují kýchání, výtok z nosu nebo svědění v nose, svědění na patře a svědící, zarudlé nebo slzící oči.
Přípravek Desloratadinmylan se také užívá ke zmírnění příznaků spojených s kopřivkou (stav kůže způsobený alergií). Tyto příznaky zahrnují svědění a kopřivkové pupeny.
Zmírnění těchto příznaků trvá celý den a pomáhá Vám obnovit normální denní aktivity a spánek.
Pokud se necítíte lépe nebo pokud se cítíte hůře, musíte se poradit s lékařem.
Food interactions and other recommendations Desloratadin mylan: Take without regard to meals. Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Con ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Desloratadin mylan: Take without regard to meals. Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Con ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Desloratadin mylan: Take without regard to meals. Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Con ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Desloratadin mylan: Take without regard to meals. Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Con ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Desloratadin mylan: Take without regard to meals. Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Con ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Desloratadin mylan: Take without regard to meals. Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Con ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Desloratadin mylan: Take without regard to meals. Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Con ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Desloratadin mylan: Take without regard to meals. Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Con ..more
Desloratadin mylan & Desloratadine may increase the anticholinergic activities of Aclidinium. Euthyrox & The serum concentration of Amodiaquine can be increased when it is com ..more
Desloratadin mylan & Desloratadine may increase the anticholinergic activities of Aclidinium. Euthyrox & The serum concentration of Amodiaquine can be increased when it is com ..more
Desloratadin mylan & Desloratadine may increase the anticholinergic activities of Aclidinium. Euthyrox & The serum concentration of Amodiaquine can be increased when it is com ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Desloratadin mylan: Take without regard to meals. Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Con ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Desloratadin mylan: Take without regard to meals. Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Con ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Desloratadin mylan: Take without regard to meals. Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Con ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Desloratadin mylan: Take without regard to meals. Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Con ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Desloratadin mylan: Take without regard to meals. Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Con ..more
Desloratadin mylan & Desloratadine may increase the anticholinergic activities of Aclidinium. Euthyrox & The serum concentration of Amodiaquine can be increased when it is com ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Desloratadin mylan: Take without regard to meals. Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Con ..more
Desloratadin mylan - Recently discovered side effects
Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Euthyrox Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Symbicort turbuhaler 200 mikrogramů/ 6 mikrogramů/ inhalace Side effects Euthyrox a Symbicort turbuhaler ..more
Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Euthyrox Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Symbicort turbuhaler 200 mikrogramů/ 6 mikrogramů/ inhalace Side effects Euthyrox a Symbicort turbuhaler ..more
Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Euthyrox Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Symbicort turbuhaler 200 mikrogramů/ 6 mikrogramů/ inhalace Side effects Euthyrox a Symbicort turbuhaler ..more
Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Euthyrox Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Symbicort turbuhaler 200 mikrogramů/ 6 mikrogramů/ inhalace Side effects Euthyrox a Symbicort turbuhaler ..more
Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Euthyrox Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Symbicort turbuhaler 200 mikrogramů/ 6 mikrogramů/ inhalace Side effects Euthyrox a Symbicort turbuhaler ..more
Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Euthyrox Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Symbicort turbuhaler 200 mikrogramů/ 6 mikrogramů/ inhalace Side effects Euthyrox a Symbicort turbuhaler ..more
Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Euthyrox Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Symbicort turbuhaler 200 mikrogramů/ 6 mikrogramů/ inhalace Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Sid ..more
Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Euthyrox Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Symbicort turbuhaler 200 mikrogramů/ 6 mikrogramů/ inhalace Side effects Euthyrox a Symbicort turbuhaler ..more
Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Euthyrox Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Symbicort turbuhaler 200 mikrogramů/ 6 mikrogramů/ inhalace Side effects Euthyrox a Symbicort turbuhaler ..more
Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Euthyrox Side effects Desloratadin mylan a Symbicort turbuhaler 200 mikrogramů/ 6 mikrogramů/ inhalace Side effects Euthyrox a Symbicort turbuhaler ..more
A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives