leaflet, side effects, interactions, dosing

Generic: pantoprazole
Alternatives: Acilib, Apo-panto, Apo-panto 40, Controloc control, Controloc i.v., Nolpaza, Pantoloc control, Pantomyl, Pantoprazol +pharma, Pantoprazol accord, Pantoprazol aurobindo, Pantoprazol aurovitas, Pantoprazol krka, Pantoprazol olikla, Pantoprazol sun, Pantoprazol vianex i. v., Pantoprazole zentiva, Pantozol control, Pantul, Somac control
ATC group: A02BC02 - pantoprazole
Active substance content: 20MG, 40MG
Forms: Gastro-resistant tablet
Balení: Blister
Obsah balení: 90 H II
Způsob podání: prodej na lékařský předpis

Co je Controloc a k čemu se užívá

Controloc 20 mg obsahuje léčivou látku pantoprazol. Controloc 20 mg je selektivní inhibitor
protonové pumpy, lék snižující množství kyseliny produkované ve Vašem žaludku. Je užíván k léčbě
onemocnění souvisejích s kyselostí žaludku a střev .

Controloc 20 mg se používá u dospělých a dospívajících ve věku od 12 let k léčbě:
- příznaků (např. pálení žáhy, kyselá regurgitace (tj. návrat kyselého žaludečního obsahu zpět
do jícnu), bolest při polykání) spojených s refluxní chorobou jícnu v důsledku návratu
kyseliny ze žaludku zpět do jícnu.
- k dlouhodobé léčbě refluxní ezofagitidy (zánět jícnu doprovázený regurgitací žaludeční
kyseliny) a předcházení jejího návratu.

Controloc 20 mg se používá u dospělých:
- k předcházení tvorby dvanáctníkových a žaludečních vředů vyvolaných nesteroidními
protizánětlivými léky (antiflogistiky) (NSAID, např. ibuprofen) u rizikových pacientů, kteří
potřebují NSAID užívat dlouhodobě.

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Controloc & Argofan 150 sr  The metabolism of Pantoprazole can be decreased when combined with Venlafaxine.   Controloc & Diclofenac al retard  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be d ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

Controloc & Prenewel & Argofan & Ne..

  Side effects Controloc a Prenewel   Side effects Controloc a Argofan 150 sr  Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, eructation, rash, Fatigue, Flatulence, Headache, ..more

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About project

A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives


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