Generic: enoxaparin Active substance: SODNÁ SŮL ENOXAPARINU Alternatives:Clexane forte, Crusia, Enoxaparin sodium ledraxen, Inhixa, Losmina, Thorinane ATC group: B01AB05 - enoxaparin Active substance content: 10000IU(100MG)/1ML, 2000IU(20MG)/0,2ML, 4000IU(40MG)/0,4ML, 6000IU(60MG)/0,6ML, 8000IU(80MG)/0,8ML Forms: Solution for injection in pre-filled syringe Balení: Pre-filled syringe Obsah balení: 50X1ML Způsob podání: prodej na lékařský předpis
Co je Clexane a k čemu se užívá
Přípravek Clexane obsahuje léčivou látku, která se nazývá sodná sůl enoxaparinu a patří mezi nízkomolekulární hepariny (LMWH – low molecular weight heparin).
Přípravek Clexane účinkuje dvěma způsoby: 1. zabraňuje zvětšování vytvořených krevních sraženin, čímž pomáhá tělu je odbourávat a zabraňuje jeho poškození. 2. zabraňuje tvorbě krevních sraženin v krvi.
Přípravek Clexane je možné použít: - k léčbě krevních sraženin, které se Vám už v krvi vytvořily; - k zabránění tvorby krevních sraženin v následujících situacích: o před operací a po operaci; o pokud máte akutní chorobu a nacházíte se v období, během kterého máte sníženou pohyblivost; o pokud trpíte nestabilní anginou (stav, kdy se do srdce nedostává dostatečné množství krve); o po srdečním infarktu. - na zabránění tvorby krevních sraženin v hadičkách dialyzačního přístroje (používá se u lidí, kteří mají onemocnění ledvin).
Food interactions and other recommendations Clexane: Avoid danshen, dong quai, evening primrose oil, gingko, policosanol, willow bark Combination of common side effects of all medicines ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Clexane: Avoid danshen, dong quai, evening primrose oil, gingko, policosanol, willow bark Combination of common side effects of all medicines ..more
Clexane & Prestarium neo combi Enoxaparin may increase the hyperkalemic activities of Perindopril. Prestarium neo combi & Rosucard The serum concentration of Rosuvastatin can be ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Clexane: Avoid danshen, dong quai, evening primrose oil, gingko, policosanol, willow bark Combination of common side effects of all medicines ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Clexane: Avoid danshen, dong quai, evening primrose oil, gingko, policosanol, willow bark Combination of common side effects of all medicines ..more
Clexane & Prestarium neo combi Enoxaparin may increase the hyperkalemic activities of Perindopril. Prestarium neo combi & Rosucard The serum concentration of Rosuvastatin can be ..more
Clexane & Diethylstilbestrol may decrease the anticoagulant activities of Enoxaparin. Bisoprolol mylan & The serum concentration of Bisoprolol can be increased when it is comb ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Clexane: Avoid danshen, dong quai, evening primrose oil, gingko, policosanol, willow bark Combination of common side effects of all medicines ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Clexane: Avoid danshen, dong quai, evening primrose oil, gingko, policosanol, willow bark Bisoprolol mylan: Take without regard to meals. ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Clexane: Avoid danshen, dong quai, evening primrose oil, gingko, policosanol, willow bark Bisoprolol mylan: Take without regard to meals. ..more
Clexane & Prestarium neo combi Enoxaparin may increase the hyperkalemic activities of Perindopril. Prestarium neo combi & Rosucard The serum concentration of Rosuvastatin can be ..more
Clexane & Prestarium neo combi Enoxaparin may increase the hyperkalemic activities of Perindopril. Prestarium neo combi & Rosucard The serum concentration of Rosuvastatin can be ..more
Clexane & Prestarium neo combi Enoxaparin may increase the hyperkalemic activities of Perindopril. Prestarium neo combi & Rosucard The serum concentration of Rosuvastatin can be ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Clexane: Avoid danshen, dong quai, evening primrose oil, gingko, policosanol, willow bark Bisoprolol mylan: Take without regard to meals. ..more
Clexane & Diethylstilbestrol may decrease the anticoagulant activities of Enoxaparin. Food interactions and other recommendations Clexane: Avoid danshen, dong quai, evening prim ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Clexane: Avoid danshen, dong quai, evening primrose oil, gingko, policosanol, willow bark Combination of common side effects of all medicines ..more
Clexane & Prestarium neo combi Enoxaparin may increase the hyperkalemic activities of Perindopril. Prestarium neo combi & Rosucard The serum concentration of Rosuvastatin can be ..more
Side effects Clexane a Wobenzym Side effects Clexane a Siofor 500 Diarrhea, Nausea, Side effects Clexane a Letrox Side effects Clexane a Prestarium neo combi Side effec ..more
Side effects Clexane a Wobenzym Side effects Clexane a Siofor 500 Diarrhea, Nausea, Side effects Clexane a Letrox Side effects Clexane a Prestarium neo combi Side effec ..more
Side effects Clexane a Wobenzym Side effects Clexane a Siofor 500 Diarrhea, Nausea, Side effects Clexane a Letrox Side effects Clexane a Prestarium neo combi Side effec ..more
Side effects Clexane a Bisoprolol mylan Diarrhea, dyspnea, Edema, fever, Heart failure, Nausea, edema peripheral, Side effects Clexane a Rosucard Side effects Clexane a Detralex ..more
Side effects Clexane a Bisoprolol mylan Diarrhea, dyspnea, Edema, fever, Heart failure, Nausea, edema peripheral, Side effects Clexane a Rosucard Side effects Clexane a Detralex ..more
Side effects Clexane a Wobenzym Side effects Clexane a Siofor 500 Diarrhea, Nausea, Side effects Clexane a Letrox Side effects Clexane a Prestarium neo combi Side effec ..more
Side effects Clexane a Bisoprolol mylan Diarrhea, dyspnea, Edema, fever, Heart failure, Nausea, edema peripheral, Side effects Clexane a Rosucard Side effects Clexane a Detralex ..more
Side effects Clexane a Wobenzym Side effects Clexane a Siofor 500 Diarrhea, Nausea, Side effects Clexane a Letrox Side effects Clexane a Prestarium neo combi Side effec ..more
Side effects Clexane a Bisoprolol mylan Diarrhea, dyspnea, Edema, fever, Heart failure, Nausea, edema peripheral, Side effects Clexane a Rosucard Side effects Clexane a Detralex ..more
Side effects Clexane a Wobenzym Side effects Clexane a Siofor 500 Diarrhea, Nausea, Side effects Clexane a Letrox Side effects Clexane a Prestarium neo combi Side effec ..more
A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives