Přípravek Citalon je jedním z členů skupiny léků nazývaných “selektivní inhibitory zpětného vychytávání serotoninu” (SSRI), což jsou antidepresiva. Každý má ve svém mozku sloučeninu nazývanou serotonin. Lidé trpící depresí mají nižší hladiny serotoninu než ostatní. Není zcela známo, jak citalopram a další léky ze skupiny SSRI fungují, ale mohou pomáhat zvýšením hladiny serotoninu v mozku. Tento lék se používá k léčbě: Depresivního onemocnění (depresivních epizod).
Citalon & Letrox The therapeutic efficacy of Levothyroxine can be decreased when used in combination with Citalopram. Citalon & Atarax Hydroxyzine may increase the Q Tc-prolongin ..more
Citalon & Letrox The therapeutic efficacy of Levothyroxine can be decreased when used in combination with Citalopram. Citalon & Atarax Hydroxyzine may increase the Q Tc-prolongin ..more
Citalon & Letrox The therapeutic efficacy of Levothyroxine can be decreased when used in combination with Citalopram. Citalon & Atarax Hydroxyzine may increase the Q Tc-prolongin ..more
Citalon & Letrox The therapeutic efficacy of Levothyroxine can be decreased when used in combination with Citalopram. Citalon & Atarax Hydroxyzine may increase the Q Tc-prolongin ..more
Citalon & Letrox The therapeutic efficacy of Levothyroxine can be decreased when used in combination with Citalopram. Citalon & Atarax Hydroxyzine may increase the Q Tc-prolongin ..more
Citalon & Letrox The therapeutic efficacy of Levothyroxine can be decreased when used in combination with Citalopram. Citalon & Atarax Hydroxyzine may increase the Q Tc-prolongin ..more
Citalon & Letrox The therapeutic efficacy of Levothyroxine can be decreased when used in combination with Citalopram. Citalon & Atarax Hydroxyzine may increase the Q Tc-prolongin ..more
Side effects Citalon a Letrox Side effects Citalon a Atarax Side effects Citalon a Magnosolv Side effects Citalon a Magnesium sulfuricum biotika 10% Side effects Letrox ..more
Side effects Citalon a Letrox Side effects Citalon a Atarax Side effects Citalon a Magnosolv Side effects Citalon a Magnesium sulfuricum biotika 10% Side effects Letrox ..more
Side effects Citalon a Letrox Side effects Citalon a Atarax Side effects Citalon a Magnosolv Side effects Citalon a Magnesium sulfuricum biotika 10% Side effects Letrox ..more
Side effects Citalon a Letrox Side effects Citalon a Atarax Side effects Citalon a Magnosolv Side effects Citalon a Magnesium sulfuricum biotika 10% Side effects Citalo ..more
Side effects Citalon a Letrox Side effects Citalon a Atarax Side effects Citalon a Magnosolv Side effects Citalon a Magnesium sulfuricum biotika 10% Side effects Letrox ..more
Side effects Citalon a Letrox Side effects Citalon a Atarax Side effects Citalon a Magnosolv Side effects Citalon a Magnesium sulfuricum biotika 10% Side effects Letrox ..more
Side effects Citalon a Letrox Side effects Citalon a Atarax Side effects Citalon a Magnosolv Side effects Citalon a Magnesium sulfuricum biotika 10% Side effects Letrox ..more
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