Generic: candesartan Active substance: Kandesartan-cilexetil Alternatives:Canocord, Casaro, Xaleec ATC group: C09CA06 - candesartan Active substance content: 16MG, 32MG, 4MG, 8MG Forms: Tablet Balení: Blister Obsah balení: |7| Způsob podání: prodej na lékařský předpis
Co je Carzap a k čemu se užívá
Název Vašeho léku je Carzap. Léčivou látkou je kandesartan-cilexetil . Tato látka patří do skupiny léků zvaných antagonisté receptorů angiotenzinu II. Účinkuje tak, že uvolňuje a rozšiřuje cévy, a napomáhá tím snižovat Váš krevní tlak. Vašemu srdci také pomáhá snadněji rozvádět krev do celého těla. Přípravek Carzap je užíván: k léčbě vysokého krevního tlaku (hypertenze) u dospělých pacientů, dětí a dospívajících ve věku od 6 do 18 let, k léčbě dospělých pacientů se srdečním selháním se sníženou funkcí srdečního svalu, kdy nelze použít inhibitory angiotenzin konvertujícího enzymu (ACE), nebo jako přídatná léčba k inhibitorům ACE, pokud příznaky přetrvávají navzdory léčbě, a nelze použít antagonisty mineralokortikoidních receptorů (MRA). (inhibitory ACE a MRA jsou léky používané k léčbě srdečního selhání).
Carzap & Vapress The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medic ..more
Carzap & Valsartan aurovitas The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects ..more
Carzap & Vamadrid The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medi ..more
Carzap & Valsartan aurovitas The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects ..more
Carzap & Vamadrid The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medi ..more
Carzap & Vamadrid The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medi ..more
Carzap & Valsartan aurovitas The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects ..more
Carzap & Valsartan krka The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of al ..more
Carzap & Vamadrid The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Carzap & The serum concentration of Amodiaquine can be increased when it is combi ..more
Carzap & Valsartan krka The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of al ..more
Carzap & Vamadrid The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medi ..more
Carzap & Valsartan aurovitas The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Carzap & The serum concentration of Amodiaquine can be increased when ..more
Carzap & Vapress The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medic ..more
Carzap & Valsartan krka The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of al ..more
Carzap & Valsartan krka The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of al ..more
Carzap & Vamadrid The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medi ..more
Carzap & Vapress The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medic ..more
Carzap & Vapress The metabolism of Candesartan can be decreased when combined with Valsartan. Food interactions and other recommendations Combination of common side effects of all medic ..more
Side effects Carzap a Valsartan aurovitas Dizziness, Headache, Hyperkalemia, Hypotension, Side effects Carzap a Side effects Valsartan aurovitas a ..more
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