Přípravek Algirin patří do skupiny léků. které mají analgetický (ulevující od bolesti), protizánětlivý (tlumící zánět) a antipyretický (snižující horečku) účinek.
Přípravek Algirin se používá k úlevě od mírné až středně silné bolesti jako bolest hlavy, zubů, svalů a kloubů, menstruační bolest a ke snížení horečky a potlačení zánětu.
Přípravek Algirin určený pro dospělé a dospívající od 16 let.
Pokud se do 3 dnů v případě horečky nebo do 5 dnů v případě bolesti nebudete cítit lépe nebo pokud se Vám přitíží, musíte se poradit s lékařem.
Food interactions and other recommendations Algirin: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to reduce ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Algirin: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to reduce ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Algirin: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to reduce ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Algirin: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to reduce ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Algirin: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to reduce ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Algirin: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to reduce ..more
Algirin & The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Ketorolac is combined with Acetylsalicylic acid. Acylpyrin & The risk or severity of adverse effects ca ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Algirin: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to reduce ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Algirin: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to reduce ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Algirin: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to reduce ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Algirin: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to reduce ..more
A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives