leaflet, side effects, interactions, dosing

Generic: paroxetine
Alternatives: Apo-parox, Arketis, Parolex 20, Paroxetin aurovitas, Paroxetin orion, Paroxinor, Remood, Seroxat
ATC group: N06AB05 - paroxetine
Active substance content: 20MG
Forms: Film-coated tablet
Balení: Tablet container
Obsah balení: 100
Způsob podání: prodej na lékařský předpis

Co je Paroxetin +pharma a k čemu se užívá

Přípravek Paroxetin +pharma je určen k léčbě dospělých, kteří trpí depresemi a/nebo úzkostnými

Mezi úzkostné poruchy, na které se Paroxetin +pharma používá, patří: obsedantně kompulzivní
porucha (opakující se vtíravé myšlenky spojené s nekontrolovatelným chováním), panická porucha
(panické záchvaty včetně těch, které jsou způsobeny agorafobií, což je strach z otevřených
prostranství), sociální úzkostná porucha/sociální fobie (strach z běžných společenských situací nebo
vyhýbání se jim), posttraumatická stresová porucha (úzkost po traumatické události) a generalizovaná
úzkostná porucha (všeobecná závažná úzkost nebo neklid).

Přípravek Paroxetin +pharma patří do skupiny léků známých jako SSRI (selektivní inhibitory zpětného
vychytávání serotoninu). Látku zvanou serotonin má v mozku každý. Lidé trpící depresemi nebo
úzkostí mají nižší hladinu serotoninu než ostatní. Není přesně známo, jak Paroxetin +pharma a ostatní
látky ze skupiny SSRI působí, ale mohou zvyšovat hladinu serotoninu v mozku. Správná léčba deprese
nebo úzkostných stavů je důležitá, pomůže zlepšit Váš stav.

Paroxetin & Prestarium & Ortanol & ..

Food interactions and other recommendations Paroxetin +pharma: Take without regard to meals. Avoid alcohol.  Prestarium neo: Herbs that may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of peri ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Paroxetin +pharma & Uno  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine.   Ortanol & Uno  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be decreased when combined wi ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Paroxetin +pharma & Uno  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine.   Ortanol & Uno  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be decreased when combined wi ..more

Paroxetin & Prestarium & Ortanol & ..

Food interactions and other recommendations Paroxetin +pharma: Take without regard to meals. Avoid alcohol.  Prestarium neo: Herbs that may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of peri ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Paroxetin +pharma & Uno  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine.   Ortanol & Uno  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be decreased when combined wi ..more

Paroxetin & Prestarium & Ortanol & ..

  Paroxetin +pharma & Apaurin  The metabolism of Diazepam can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine.   Paroxetin +pharma &   The serum concentration of Amodiaquine can be increas ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Paroxetin +pharma & Uno  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine.   Ortanol & Uno  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be decreased when combined wi ..more

Paroxetin & Prestarium & Ortanol & ..

Food interactions and other recommendations Paroxetin +pharma: Take without regard to meals. Avoid alcohol.  Prestarium neo: Herbs that may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of peri ..more

Paroxetin & Prestarium & Ortanol & ..

  Prestarium neo & Rosucard  The serum concentration of Rosuvastatin can be increased when it is combined with Perindopril.   Ortanol & Rosucard  The metabolism of Rosuvastatin can be ..more

Paroxetin & Prestarium & Ortanol & ..

  Paroxetin +pharma & Apaurin  The metabolism of Diazepam can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine.   Ortanol & Apaurin  The metabolism of Diazepam can be decreased when combine ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Paroxetin +pharma & Uno  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine.   Ortanol & Uno  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be decreased when combined wi ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Paroxetin +pharma & Uno  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine.   Ortanol & Uno  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be decreased when combined wi ..more

Paroxetin & Prestarium & Ortanol & ..

  Prestarium neo & Rosucard  The serum concentration of Rosuvastatin can be increased when it is combined with Perindopril.   Ortanol & Rosucard  The metabolism of Rosuvastatin can be ..more

Paroxetin & Prestarium & Ortanol & ..

Food interactions and other recommendations Paroxetin +pharma: Take without regard to meals. Avoid alcohol.  Prestarium neo: Herbs that may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of peri ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Paroxetin +pharma & Uno  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine.   Paroxetin +pharma &   The serum concentration of Amodiaquine can be increased ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Paroxetin +pharma & Uno  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine.   Ortanol & Uno  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be decreased when combined wi ..more

Paroxetin & Prestarium & Ortanol & ..

  Paroxetin +pharma & Apaurin  The metabolism of Diazepam can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine.   Ortanol & Apaurin  The metabolism of Diazepam can be decreased when combine ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Paroxetin +pharma & Uno  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine.   Ortanol & Uno  The metabolism of Diclofenac can be decreased when combined wi ..more

Paroxetin & Prestarium & Ortanol & ..

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Prestarium neo  Abdominal Pain, Asthenia, Back pain, Chest pain, Diarrhea, Dyspepsia, Edema, fever, Headache, hypertonia, Palpitation, Pharyngitis, rhinitis, Sin ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Ortanol  Abdominal Pain, Alopecia, Asthenia, Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Taste perversion, Dyspepsia, eructation, rash, Fatigue, fever, Flatule ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Ortanol  Abdominal Pain, Alopecia, Asthenia, Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Taste perversion, Dyspepsia, eructation, rash, Fatigue, fever, Flatule ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Ortanol  Abdominal Pain, Alopecia, Asthenia, Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Taste perversion, Dyspepsia, eructation, rash, Fatigue, fever, Flatule ..more

Paroxetin & Prestarium & Ortanol & ..

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Prestarium neo  Abdominal Pain, Asthenia, Back pain, Chest pain, Diarrhea, Dyspepsia, Edema, fever, Headache, hypertonia, Palpitation, Pharyngitis, rhinitis, Sin ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Ortanol  Abdominal Pain, Alopecia, Asthenia, Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Taste perversion, Dyspepsia, eructation, rash, Fatigue, fever, Flatule ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Ortanol  Abdominal Pain, Alopecia, Asthenia, Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Taste perversion, Dyspepsia, eructation, rash, Fatigue, fever, Flatule ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Ortanol  Abdominal Pain, Alopecia, Asthenia, Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Taste perversion, Dyspepsia, eructation, rash, Fatigue, fever, Flatule ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Ortanol  Abdominal Pain, Alopecia, Asthenia, Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Taste perversion, Dyspepsia, eructation, rash, Fatigue, fever, Flatule ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Ortanol  Abdominal Pain, Alopecia, Asthenia, Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Taste perversion, Dyspepsia, eructation, rash, Fatigue, fever, Flatule ..more

Paroxetin & Prestarium & Ortanol

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Prestarium neo  Abdominal Pain, Asthenia, Back pain, Chest pain, Diarrhea, Dyspepsia, Edema, fever, Headache, hypertonia, Palpitation, Pharyngitis, rhinitis, Sin ..more

Paroxetin & Prestarium & Ortanol & ..

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Prestarium neo  Abdominal Pain, Asthenia, Back pain, Chest pain, Diarrhea, Dyspepsia, Edema, fever, Headache, hypertonia, Palpitation, Pharyngitis, rhinitis, Sin ..more

Paroxetin & Prestarium & Ortanol & ..

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Prestarium neo  Abdominal Pain, Asthenia, Back pain, Chest pain, Diarrhea, Dyspepsia, Edema, fever, Headache, hypertonia, Palpitation, Pharyngitis, rhinitis, Sin ..more

Paroxetin & Prestarium & Ortanol & ..

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Prestarium neo  Abdominal Pain, Asthenia, Back pain, Chest pain, Diarrhea, Dyspepsia, Edema, fever, Headache, hypertonia, Palpitation, Pharyngitis, rhinitis, Sin ..more

Paroxetin & Prestarium & Ortanol & ..

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Prestarium neo  Abdominal Pain, Asthenia, Back pain, Chest pain, Diarrhea, Dyspepsia, Edema, fever, Headache, hypertonia, Palpitation, Pharyngitis, rhinitis, Sin ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Ortanol  Abdominal Pain, Alopecia, Asthenia, Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Taste perversion, Dyspepsia, eructation, rash, Fatigue, fever, Flatule ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Ortanol  Abdominal Pain, Alopecia, Asthenia, Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Taste perversion, Dyspepsia, eructation, rash, Fatigue, fever, Flatule ..more

Paroxetin & Ortanol & Prestarium & ..

  Side effects Paroxetin +pharma a Ortanol  Abdominal Pain, Alopecia, Asthenia, Back pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Taste perversion, Dyspepsia, eructation, rash, Fatigue, fever, Flatule ..more

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A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives


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