leaflet, side effects, interactions, dosing

Generic: acetylsalicylic acid
Alternatives: Acetylsalicylic acid krka, Anopyrin, Aspirin protect, Aspirin protect 100, Carlagirin, Carsaxa, Kardegic, Manoass, Stacyl, Vasopirin, Zanosa
ATC group: B01AC06 - acetylsalicylic acid
Active substance content: 100MG/50MG
Forms: Tablet
Balení: Blister
Obsah balení: 100
Způsob podání: prodej na lékařský předpis

Co je Godasal 100 a k čemu se užívá

Godasal 100 patří do skupiny léčiv zvaných antitrombotika a obsahuje léčivé látky kyselinu
acetylsalicylovou a glycin. Kyselina acetylsalicylová v nižších dávkách brání tvorbě krevních
sraženin, chrání před ucpáním tepen, které může být příčinou mnoha závažných onemocnění,
například srdce, mozku a jiných orgánů.
Godasal 100 se proto používá
- při akutním srdečním infarktu a nestabilní angině pectoris (bolestech na hrudi způsobených
poruchou průtoku krve srdečními věnčitými tepnami),
- k dlouhodobé léčbě nemocných s prokázaným onemocněním tepenného řečiště (stabilní angina
pectoris, stavy po proběhlém infarktu myokardu, stavy po cévní mozkové příhodě a/nebo po
transitorní ischemické atace),
- pro snížení rizika vzniku tepenných onemocnění u doposud zdravých osob, u kterých je přítomno
více rizikových faktorů těchto onemocnění (cukrovka/diabetes mellitus, vysoký krevní
tlak/hypertenze, vysoké hladiny tuků/cholesterolu v krvi, kouření, nadváha, vyšší věk),
- samostatně nebo v kombinaci s jinými léky po cévních operacích nebo po jiných výkonech na
cévním řečišti (angioplastika, zavedení tzv. stentů a podobně).

Godasal 100 užívají pouze dospělí od 18 let.

Godasal & Acylpyrin

Food interactions and other recommendations Godasal 100: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to re ..more

Godasal & Relpax

Food interactions and other recommendations Godasal 100: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to re ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Algifen

Food interactions and other recommendations Godasal 100: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to re ..more

Godasal & Relpax

Food interactions and other recommendations Godasal 100: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to re ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Ibuprofen

  Godasal 100 & Ibuprofen al 400  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Acetylsalicylic acid is combined with Ibuprofen.  Food interactions and other recommendation ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Ibalgin &

  Godasal 100 & Ibalgin 400  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Acetylsalicylic acid is combined with Ibuprofen.   Godasal 100 &   The risk or severity of a ..more

Godasal & Relpax

Food interactions and other recommendations Godasal 100: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to re ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Ibuprofen

  Godasal 100 & Ibuprofen al 400  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Acetylsalicylic acid is combined with Ibuprofen.  Food interactions and other recommendation ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Algifen

Food interactions and other recommendations Godasal 100: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to re ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Ibalgin

  Godasal 100 & Ibalgin 400  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Acetylsalicylic acid is combined with Ibuprofen.  Food interactions and other recommendations G ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Ibuprofen

  Godasal 100 & Ibuprofen al 400  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Acetylsalicylic acid is combined with Ibuprofen.  Food interactions and other recommendation ..more

Godasal & Acylpyrin

Food interactions and other recommendations Godasal 100: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to re ..more

Godasal & Nebilet & Valsacor & Rilm..

  Godasal 100 & Nebilet  Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Nebivolol.   Godasal 100 & Valsacor  The metabolism of Acetylsalicylic acid can be decrea ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Ibuprofen

  Godasal 100 & Ibuprofen al 400  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Acetylsalicylic acid is combined with Ibuprofen.  Food interactions and other recommendation ..more

Godasal & Relpax

Food interactions and other recommendations Godasal 100: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increases in A S A serum levels. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food to re ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Ibalgin

  Godasal 100 & Ibalgin 400  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Acetylsalicylic acid is combined with Ibuprofen.  Food interactions and other recommendations G ..more

Godasal & Nebilet & Valsacor & Rilm..

  Godasal 100 & Nebilet  Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Nebivolol.   Godasal 100 & Valsacor  The metabolism of Acetylsalicylic acid can be decrea ..more

Godasal & Nebilet & Valsacor & Rilm..

  Godasal 100 & Nebilet  Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Nebivolol.   Godasal 100 & Valsacor  The metabolism of Acetylsalicylic acid can be decrea ..more

Godasal & Nebilet & Valsacor & Rilm..

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Nebilet   Side effects Godasal 100 a Valsacor   Side effects Godasal 100 a Rilmenidin teva   Side effects Godasal 100 a Nitresan   Side effects Godas ..more

Godasal & Nebilet & Valsacor & Rilm..

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Nebilet   Side effects Godasal 100 a Valsacor   Side effects Godasal 100 a Rilmenidin teva   Side effects Godasal 100 a Nitresan   Side effects Godas ..more

Godasal & Acylpyrin

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Acylpyrin  ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Ibalgin

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Relpax   Side effects Godasal 100 a Ibalgin 400   Side effects Relpax a Ibalgin 400  Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Dyspepsia, Edema, Flatulence, Gastroi ..more

Godasal & Nebilet & Valsacor & Rilm..

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Nebilet   Side effects Godasal 100 a Valsacor   Side effects Godasal 100 a Rilmenidin teva   Side effects Godasal 100 a Nitresan   Side effects Godas ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Ibuprofen

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Relpax   Side effects Godasal 100 a Ibuprofen al 400   Side effects Relpax a Ibuprofen al 400  Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Dyspepsia, Edema, Flatulenc ..more

Godasal & Nebilet & Valsacor & Rilm..

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Nebilet   Side effects Godasal 100 a Valsacor   Side effects Godasal 100 a Rilmenidin teva   Side effects Godasal 100 a Nitresan   Side effects Godas ..more

Godasal & Relpax

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Relpax  ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Algifen

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Relpax   Side effects Godasal 100 a Algifen neo   Side effects Relpax a Algifen neo  ..more

Godasal & Nebilet & Valsacor & Rilm..

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Nebilet   Side effects Godasal 100 a Valsacor   Side effects Godasal 100 a Rilmenidin teva   Side effects Godasal 100 a Nitresan   Side effects Godas ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Ibuprofen &

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Relpax   Side effects Godasal 100 a Ibuprofen al 400   Side effects Godasal 100 a    Side effects Relpax a Ibuprofen al 400  Constipation, Diarrhea, Diz ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Algifen

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Relpax   Side effects Godasal 100 a Algifen neo   Side effects Relpax a Algifen neo  ..more

Godasal & Relpax

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Relpax  ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Algifen

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Relpax   Side effects Godasal 100 a Algifen neo   Side effects Relpax a Algifen neo  ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Ibalgin

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Relpax   Side effects Godasal 100 a Ibalgin 400   Side effects Relpax a Ibalgin 400  Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Dyspepsia, Edema, Flatulence, Gastroi ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Ibalgin

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Relpax   Side effects Godasal 100 a Ibalgin 400   Side effects Relpax a Ibalgin 400  Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Dyspepsia, Edema, Flatulence, Gastroi ..more

Godasal & Relpax & Ibalgin

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Relpax   Side effects Godasal 100 a Ibalgin 400   Side effects Relpax a Ibalgin 400  Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Dyspepsia, Edema, Flatulence, Gastroi ..more

Godasal & Nebilet & Valsacor & Rilm..

  Side effects Godasal 100 a Nebilet   Side effects Godasal 100 a Valsacor   Side effects Godasal 100 a Rilmenidin teva   Side effects Godasal 100 a Nitresan   Side effects Godas ..more

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About project

A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives


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