Generic: alfacalcidol Active substance: ALFAKALCIDOL Alternatives:Alpha d3, Enzola ATC group: A11CC03 - alfacalcidol Active substance content: 0,25MCG, 0,5MCG, 1MCG Forms: Capsule, soft Balení: Tablet container Obsah balení: 30 Způsob podání: prodej na lékařský předpis
Co je Alfacalcidol cande a k čemu se užívá
Alfacalcidolcande patří do skupiny léků nazývaných analoga vitaminu D. Jde o typ vitaminu D.
Vitamín D reguluje hladinu dvou látek ve Vašem těle. Tyto látky se nazývají vápník a fosfát. Vaše tělo potřebuje obě tyto látky pro zdravé kosti a zuby.
Alfacalcidolcande působí tak, že zvyšuje množství vitamínu D ve Vašem těle. To znamená, že hladiny vápníku a fosfátu ve Vašem těle se také zvýší.
Alfacalcidolcande je určen pro děti starších než 4 roky, dospívající a dospělé.
Alfacalcidolcande se používá k léčbě onemocnění, kde je třeba změnit množství vápníku v těle. Používá se k léčbě: • Změn v kostech způsobených selháním ledvin (osteodystrofie). • Změn příštítných tělísek. To jsou malé žlázy, které se nachází na krku. Vytvářejí látku, která se označuje jako parathormon. Ten mění množství vápníku v těle. • Tyto žlázy mohou způsobit přílišné zvýšení množství vápníku v krvi (hyperparatyreóza). • Tyto žlázy mohou způsobit přílišné snížení množství vápníku v krvi (hypoparatyreóza). • Měknutí a deformity kostí v důsledku nedostatku vápníku (křivice nebo osteomalácie).
Food interactions and other recommendations Orcal neo: Avoid natural licorice. Grapefruit down regulates post-translational expression of C Y P3 A4, the major metabolizing enzyme of amlodipine. Gra ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Orcal neo: Avoid natural licorice. Grapefruit down regulates post-translational expression of C Y P3 A4, the major metabolizing enzyme of amlodipine. Gra ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Orcal neo: Avoid natural licorice. Grapefruit down regulates post-translational expression of C Y P3 A4, the major metabolizing enzyme of amlodipine. Gra ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Orcal neo: Avoid natural licorice. Grapefruit down regulates post-translational expression of C Y P3 A4, the major metabolizing enzyme of amlodipine. Gra ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Orcal neo: Avoid natural licorice. Grapefruit down regulates post-translational expression of C Y P3 A4, the major metabolizing enzyme of amlodipine. Gra ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Orcal neo: Avoid natural licorice. Grapefruit down regulates post-translational expression of C Y P3 A4, the major metabolizing enzyme of amlodipine. Gra ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Orcal neo: Avoid natural licorice. Grapefruit down regulates post-translational expression of C Y P3 A4, the major metabolizing enzyme of amlodipine. Gra ..more
Alfacalcidol cande & The serum concentration of Magnesium oxide can be increased when it is combined with Alfacalcidol. Orcal neo & The serum concentration of Rosuvastatin can ..more
Alfacalcidol cande & The serum concentration of Magnesium oxide can be increased when it is combined with Alfacalcidol. Orcal neo & The serum concentration of Rosuvastatin can ..more
Alfacalcidol cande & The serum concentration of Magnesium oxide can be increased when it is combined with Alfacalcidol. Orcal neo & The serum concentration of Rosuvastatin can ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Orcal neo: Avoid natural licorice. Grapefruit down regulates post-translational expression of C Y P3 A4, the major metabolizing enzyme of amlodipine. Gra ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Orcal neo: Avoid natural licorice. Grapefruit down regulates post-translational expression of C Y P3 A4, the major metabolizing enzyme of amlodipine. Gra ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Orcal neo: Avoid natural licorice. Grapefruit down regulates post-translational expression of C Y P3 A4, the major metabolizing enzyme of amlodipine. Gra ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Orcal neo: Avoid natural licorice. Grapefruit down regulates post-translational expression of C Y P3 A4, the major metabolizing enzyme of amlodipine. Gra ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Orcal neo: Avoid natural licorice. Grapefruit down regulates post-translational expression of C Y P3 A4, the major metabolizing enzyme of amlodipine. Gra ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Orcal neo: Avoid natural licorice. Grapefruit down regulates post-translational expression of C Y P3 A4, the major metabolizing enzyme of amlodipine. Gra ..more
Alfacalcidol cande - Recently discovered side effects
Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 1 ..more
Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 1 ..more
Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 1 ..more
Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 1 ..more
Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 1 ..more
Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 1 ..more
Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 1 ..more
Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 1 ..more
Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 1 ..more
Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 1 ..more
Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 1 ..more
Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 1 ..more
Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 1 ..more
Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 1 ..more
Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 1 ..more
Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 1 ..more
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